I don't really understand but if you are trying to substitute the normal, semi-ugly checkboxes for your own images, it's possible with a bit of javascript.
Quickly written code below (untested):
<script type="text/javascript">
var chkboxTicked = new Image();
chkboxTicked.src =...
I'm also lost... If you want to delete rows 1 to random number, you can use "DELETE * FROM slaves LIMIT 1, {$randomdel}" where the first number after the 'LIMIT' indicates the start, and the second indicates the amount.
If you want to have news on your website that isn't your own, like from a local news site, then you have to delve into the world of XML. Otherwise, PHP is the way to go.
Great place to start:
Calling rand() 100000 times will use a fair bit of CPU.
In php, the syntax for rand() is:
rand((int) min, (int) max);
So if I put rand(0,10) there should be a 1/11 chance that it will be 0, and a 1/11 chance that it will be 10.
Also, the server your site is hosted on is down -.- (absolut?)...
After a few hours being down, Absolut finally came back up!! For 10 minutes. It's now down again. I know that it's experimenting "some technical issues", but can we get a little more info?
Absolut currently has an incredibly huge load, and the FTP is down... Are you guys doing any upgrades on it or anything? The account panel is showing me a load of almost 19, that's huge.
Edit- It's now 23... :s
And the FTP keeps popping on and off.
Yeah, the query is missing the whole first line or something. Why are you using the SQL console anyway? phpMyAdmin provides a really nice GUI to your database. Use that to enter values.
But anyway, you need the INSERT INTO `tablename` on the first line infront of ('num', 'ticket', 'cash')
So you tried adding in the 'or die(mysql_error());' bit? The error you are getting is usually returned when you are selecting an invalid database or have an error in your syntax. Try adding the 'or die(mysql_error());' code to the end of all your mysql functions.
So a user HAS to enter something?
Just check it to see if it's empty with php.
if($_POST['field'] == ""){
echo "You fail. Enter a value in fieldname"
Absolut just shot up to over 16 load and then crashed. It's been doing this for a while? Are you still running updates on it?
But back on topic, it's down. Cheers!
Seems Heinzketchup has the same problem.
I was hoping to get some more work done tonight :( .
Firefox is better for all its addons. Download managers, location addons, email addons, media player addons and most importantly, web developer addons. As someone who spends a lot of his time using a browser, this stuff is all completely necessary.
Can you copy and paste the code of the webpage in question? And what do you mean by 'I also upload them with their original names instead of changing them'. Why would you change the image names anyway?
Also, do you have a link to the webpage in question?