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  1. S

    Multiple date & time support

    I'm not completely sure what you're trying to do, but I made a quick example php page to show what I meant about making an array of timestamps and setting a session variable for your timestamp. Here's the code here: <?php session_start(); if(sizeof($_POST) > 0 && $_POST['submit']){...
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    Comment Box Script

    Edit to the following and tell us what you get: <?php // Open Connection To mySQL. // Replace 'username' and 'password' with appropiate login values for your server. $mysqlLink = mysql_connect( 'localhost' , 'username' , 'pass' ); // Select mySQL Database. mysql_select_db( 'comments' ...
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    Problem music player JavaScript

    If you have a link to the page where the script is used, that'd make it easier :P .
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    whats wrong?

    It's a good idea when you're testing a script to put 'or die(mysql_error())' next to all your 'mysql_query()' statements. It'll just stop and print the error it's getting. Anyway... Make sure you have your database name right. It'll be named 'maxyes_database' or something similar.
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    Using php Timestamps with Timezone

    I would help debug your code, but it's all thrown together in one line. Instead:
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    Mouse behaviours

    So you want the image to change to image2 when rolled over, but to image3 if clicked, and it not to change back to image2 if it is image3 on rollover? If so, you want to run a function on mouse over that checks if the src of the image is image3, then it will do nothing... Else, the image will...
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    Problem music player JavaScript

    If you havn't already, I find that the best way to debug my JS is to use Firefox and the extension 'Firebug'. You can insert breakpoints in your JS script where it stops and gives you details of what your script has done so far, plus it gives you extensive error messages. Makes js much easier...
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    css ebook

    CSS is not that hard to get your head around. Once you get the basic syntax, all you need is a decent reference of css attributes and you're on your way. Look at the w3 schools css tutorials and then go from there! You might want to bookmark their css reference page for future reference.
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    Multiple date & time support

    Alternatively you can get a user to set their own timezone upon registration, and then fetch it from a database. I would suggest making just a tinyint field in your database, and then having an array of timezones. Check out the date_default_timezone_set() function. And for a list of timezones...
  10. S

    Code CSS on Firefox

    Obvious one... Opacity. Firefox likes different opacities to other browsers. As a fix, I use: filter:alpha(opacity=##); -moz-opacity:.##; opacity:.##; WHere ## = value of opacity (Those 3 are all the attributes for opacity there are I think).
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    Div style troubles!

    Can you show or tell us how it's positioning differently. Do you have a link to the site with the code?
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    Help with Variable error in PHP

    The LIMIT part of the query is fine, and good practice. The problem is a semi-colon you have missed at the end of line 16.
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    Help point me in the right direction (css, javascript)

    Two ways. <script type="text/javascript"> function change(me){ //Script for changing the text, image and bgcolour } </script> Then in your HTML put 'onmouseover="change(this)"' OR You can have an individual function for each process (ie one for changing the image, one for changing the...
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    imagecreatefromjpeg() not working?

    One of my scripts that automatically created a little image has suddenly stopped working with the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg() in File on line 10 I havn't played around with the file in question, I just was browsing through and saw that it was...
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    absolut down?

    Is absolut down? I'm getting this: I've got a big school project due soon, so I was hoping to work on it :( .
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    The world of programming

    Agree whole-heartedly... Basically learnt all I know from that site. Has tutorials for heaps of languages.
  17. S

    Estate agent searching script

    A website like that is no simple task. A website like that, which isn't so cluttered could be worth quite a bit. But it really depends on what other interactive features you include. If the only interactive feature was just a search of properties, you probably shouldn't charge much.
  18. S

    how to Sending a message to email through a button - When in doubt, refer to the PHP manual.
  19. S

    Helps with spacing

    Remember to try the border-collapse attribute in CSS... A once-over with the inspect module of the Firefox extension Firebug shows me that there is a fair few cells in that layout table. Remember to keep it simple and try using the td attributes colspan and rowspan. But if you're having this...
  20. S

    Estate agent searching script

    Assuming you have a database with all your houses in it, you can have a field in your database for each individual criteria. In other words, perhaps you could set up a database like: | ShortDescription | PicUrl | Price | Bedrooms | Bathrooms | etc...