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  1. G

    MySQL create user error

    When you assign a user you create in cPanel to a database, do you choose "All privileges"?
  2. G

    My site shows up all messed up in Internet Explorer

    Actually, it's a good practice to put HTML comments marks in CSS and JS, as CSS and JS will ignore this, and on older browsers that doesn't parse CSS and JS, this would prevent that browser from showing the CSS as text. I agree that your HTML is a bit messy, and you have to work with that a...
  3. G

    Not able to login in cPanel

    Have you tried to change password?
  4. G

    How to upgarde free account

    You either have to order a paid plan (either paid or a VPS, paid is recommended if you aren't too techy and just wants a website put up, VPS if you want more control of how everything runs, but this would require some experience with linux), or buy the inactivity timer from the user CP on these...
  5. G

    Account suspension "Phishing do not unsuspend"

    Have you tried logging in with your forum details?
  6. G

    PHP Warnings all over my site

    it seems like the site "" is down at the moment. You'd have to wait for them to come back online
  7. G

    Suspended account

    As this is now resolved I have closed this thread. Feel free to contact us again in the future
  8. G

    Cancel Account

    I have now put your account in the termination queue.
  9. G

    Suspended Account

    As said, breaking this rule leads to a permanent suspension, and you wont be unsuspended for any reasons. Google translate is not accepted
  10. G

    Using Google API with PHP

    Most ports on the free servers are closed to stop abuse and for security reasons. The only way you could do this is by ordering a VPS
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    Installing a forum

    I guess you are looking for the mySQL hostname, which is localhost
  12. G

    Upgrade Free to Premium

    When you have ordered, you will have to send in a support ticket in the client area, asking for your account to be transfered
  13. G

    Who is your domain registrar?

    dynadot FTW
  14. G

    [Boru] Site is down.

    Re: Site is down.
  15. G

    my web page is not displaying is the server down There are currently some issues with the servers
  16. G

    Time out