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  1. G


    $60 + shipping is still expensive for me as I'm a poor student xD Well well, I don't get too much BSoDs while I'm not playing any game, so I guess it isn't too bad right now xD
  2. G

    Any REAL Pay Sites?

    NeoBux. Ref-link non-ref link
  3. G


    Yep. DDR2
  4. G


    4 gb
  5. G


    I ran memtest. After 6 hours, pass 7-ish, I got enough. By then, there were 1467 errors
  6. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    lol I don't think they will
  7. G

    Happy Birthday to me!

    Happy birthday!
  8. G


  9. G

    My site is gone

    After 24 days of inactivity, an account gets terminated automatically. 14 days of inactivity + 10 days of suspension = termination
  10. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Well, we would get a lot of people who whine a lot lol
  11. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    lol we need more users posting here xD. Let's add "post 3 posts in the new biggest thread once every 2 weeks or get suspended" to the ToS? lol j/k xD
  12. G

    forum bug?

    When I clcik "new posts" it tells me there are no new posts when all icons already turned gray.
  13. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    lol yeah. I hope I get my community award back soon xD (Sorry kkenny ;))