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  1. G

    Reputation Explained
  2. G

    Hi all

    welcome to the forums!
  3. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    lol. Someone should do a c-c-c-combobreaker
  4. G


    Haven't had time for memtest yet
  5. G


    Now I'm getting "PAGEFAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" too. I'm gonna do a memtest sometimes next week. (btw, my hdd passed the long drive test in seatools)
  6. G

    has my account been deleted?

    An account gets terminated after 24 days of inactivity (14 days inactivity leads to suspension, while 10 days suspension leads to automatical termination)
  7. G

    User Groups

    it seems like it's only when you start a topic you can post tags, or have a mod add them for you...
  8. G

    I cant find my site

    Please read the service alerts section (3rd forum)
  9. G

    I'm suspended

    You used a nulled vBulletin. We have a zero tolerance policy against this.
  10. G

    Xbox or Playstation 3?

    Same in Sweden lol.
  11. G


    First you need to create a database and a user in your cPanel, then assign the user to the database. Then use this details: host: localhost username: stated in cPanel password: the password you choose database: stated in cPanel
  12. G

    Internal Server Error - Why?

    Please read the news.
  13. G

    Want to use my own domain name

    You need to point your domain to: Ping them if you need the IPs After that, add your domain in your cPanel
  14. G

    Should old games be legal to download?

    Oh sorry missed that xD. Sad there isn't any 50 - 100 year old game xD. If I get a hold of some playstation 1 games, could I rip them and play them in an emulator on my computer if I don't own a PS1 anymore? Anybody knows about this?
  15. G

    need some topics

    The internet x10Hosting (why not ;)) Use of computers in research Useful softwares Useful sites
  16. G

    Should old games be legal to download?

    So every developer of say, vBulletin, owns the copyright of vBulletin, and not Jelsoft? Or how do you mean?
  17. G

    Should old games be legal to download?

    Well, how do copyright run out if it is owned by a company? 70 years of the death of the company or the CEO of the time it was copyrighted?
  18. G

    SSL Protected phpBB

    you need to use if you want SSL. It works for me in FF 3.5.2
  19. G

    Have you ever been banned?

    I've almost got enough infraction points for a ban once where I accidentally posted a porn image. Well, it was hotlinking protection of the site owner, and the site owner had been mean to make all hotlinking images to be changed with porn lol xD. I have now learned a lesson, and I never hotlink...
  20. G

    Internal Russ Appreciation Day (IRAD)

    What? Russ is more active now than ever. Haven't you checked the forum games forum for an example? And you finally can get a hold of him on MSN ;)