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  1. G

    New Support Help Desk

    Oh nice! I missed helping people :)
  2. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    We are half-ways there from the old thread! The old thread got like 3100 posts :D
  3. G

    Thank you :D

    Thank you :D
  4. G

    Joomla help Now how would I go about that to fix it?
  5. G

    help with account please

    Thhere should be an option for ftp accounts in cPanel. Then they use the info you create there
  6. G

    help with account please

    You are not allowed to give your password to anyone, but you could give someone FTP access, as long as they cant access the root directory of your site.
  7. G

    Do cookies from this site expire?

    Are you sure you have checked "remember me"?
  8. G

    Can't install phpbb 3.0.3

    the phpBB support says it only attempts to higher it, but it doesen't need it
  9. G

    Why dont we donate?

    Can I donate x10Credits? Well, I would if I had money...
  10. G

    Adsense blocked me-Please help me out

    Your domain is 1 day old... You need to way 6 months more
  11. G

    Happy Birthday vigge_sWe

    No it's only been there since friday :D
  12. G

    Happy Birthday vigge_sWe

    Well, I couldn't wait lol
  13. G

    Happy Birthday vigge_sWe

    Thank you everyone :D. I got 400 SEK ($47.7). And I bought myself mirrors edge
  14. G

    [REQ][2000 credits][PHP]From file to database

    Well, I am doing a multi-user server with a database. No fileconnections are allowed to exist. All fopens should go out from the script because they are not needed.
  15. G

    thank you :D

    thank you :D
  16. G

    Thank you

    Thank you
  17. G

    LAWL thank you :D

    LAWL thank you :D
  18. G

    Meaning with life

    What do you belive the meaning with life is? I belive there really is no meaning, I belive you should just live it as it comes.