Search results

  1. G

    360 vs. ps3

    I would go for xbox 360, because less lag in the online thing (I never experienced any sort of lag), and I like the games etc.
  2. G

    PHP Website Offline

    So you gonna do like: <?php require('config.php'); if($maintenance_mode == "1"){ include('maintenance.php'); exit(); } else { if($construction_mode == "1"){ include('construction.php'); exit(); } else { ?> html code <?php }} ?> ? I suggest this: <?php require('config.php')...
  3. G

    phpBB3 styles

    Go to styles>themes, then press "refresh" on the theme. Also, make sure you are editing the right style :D
  4. G

    GZIP Compression for Zen Cart

    well, when I was on stoli, GZip compression worked with phpBB3, and all servers should have the same configuration (exept the paid ones). Do your browser support it? Also, I don't know how it is with the PHP versions, but I think it would work on the intermeditate version because I ran my...
  5. G

    Adobe Flash crashes

    Make sure you got a large swap file if you don't got much RAM. Also try closing unnessesary programs, cleaning up the hdd some, do a virus/spyware scan. If nothing of those works, reinstall it.
  6. G

    New Browser Based Game!

    About text on the first page. What the game is about, how many users playing it, random user, etc.
  7. G

    PHP vs. ASP

    PHP. Reasons: Cross-plattform Asp would work on linux with mono, but doesen't as far as I know. PHP works on both windows,linux ASP is made by microsoft = bad
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    New Browser Based Game!

    The menu in the beginning seems nice. Also, nice colorsheme :D
  9. G

    PHP Website Offline

    } else { ?> Gonna have anything after that?
  10. G

    What will you do to pass time while the staff move accounts? You maybe want to join :D
  11. G

    100000 green bottles sitting on the wall

    99920 green bottles sittng on a wall 99920 green bottles sittng on a wall And if 1 green bottle was to accidentally fall There'd be 99919 green bottles sitting on the wall
  12. G

    100000 green bottles sitting on the wall

    99922 green bottles sittng on a wall 99922 green bottles sittng on a wall And if 1 green bottle was to accidently fall There'd be 99921 green bottles sitting on the wall
  13. G

    [REQ][20 credits]x10Exchange

    paid. Anyone else?
  14. G

    spammers from China

    Ok I am sorry for this, but I want to ask for help with spammers. Recently, I have got 10 - 20+ spammers from china. They all are trying to advertise child-porn, and I don't want to get into trouble because of them. To stop it, I am thinking of IP banning china from my site, do you think...
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    What will you do to pass time while the staff move accounts?

    localhost FTW! I am not affected about it since I am not on the servers.
  16. G


    There is a face for that... :hahano:
  17. G

    [REQ][200 credits]mediawiki plugins

    I need this to work with this Right now, it does not work when using the WYSIWYG mode since FCK parses the code as regular text. I give 200 credits for the...
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    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I gonna do a trivia tournament at irc:// in 1 hour. No prizes tho, just for fun :D. There is hall of fame at too
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    FCKEditor help

    nope does not work
  20. G

    FCKEditor help

    I want to add like when they write [ PHP]text[ /PHP], it should become <source lang="php">text</source> How would I do that?