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  1. G

    Should I go college?

    Well. To come in to college here in Sweden, you need to make Physcis B, and is there anything I hate it is Physics. And I assume it will be even more Physics. I have no interest in physics, therefore I think I will be really bored in college. I am only interested in programming and 3D...
  2. G

    Alternatives for XAMPP?

    thank you :P
  3. G

    Alternatives for XAMPP?

    XAMPP sems like a dead project since mySQL and phpMyAdmin is corrupt when installing. Are there any working alternatives for windows?
  4. G got hacked

    or hacked by yourself ( I wanna see that happen lol )
  5. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    You should be because you are a moderator :P. If you where on the IRC more you would be even more known :P
  6. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    lol yeah. Higher postcount = more links to your site if you got your link in your sig = more indexed by search engines = more visitors = more known on the board
  7. G


    The linux binary is 400 KB and the haskell source is 15 KB. The special use... Maybe hide your code? lol. Anyone know how to compile the haskell source for the interpreter and can compile it for me?
  8. G

    Happy One Week Holiday.

    o.O 3 weeks left to my autumn holiday :P
  9. G


    Grats! I am working on 3000 posts now :P
  10. G

    Free domain.

  11. G

    [OFFER]15credits 4 screenshot ! disallow robots, including browsershots
  12. G


    lmao this is a weird programming language. It's only made out of space, tab and enter, nothing more. It ignores all other charachters, so you can hide it in a php or java file, or whichever else language you want. Whitespace on wikipedia <- Homepage...
  13. G

    frequent downtime

  14. G


  15. G

    VB forum help

    did you set the directory of the upload to 777?
  16. G

    [REQ] Beep - 300 Credits

    I think it is a shell script to run in the bash/terminal/konsole...
  17. G

    The Ctrl+V game lol... StumbleUpon show wrong video sometimes
  18. G

    [off][2000 credits]Selling domains for points

    hmmmm, I think I go for this too. Should just find a good domain name :P
  19. G

    [OFFER]15credits 4 screenshot !

    Firefox 3.0.2: Chrome and IE: they seem to have putted the stylesheet link in an IF IE statement
  20. G

    [REQ][15+ credits]Post on my forum

    I need to wait for lewellyn to be active again since he has been away for around 130 hours on the IRC. My forums are using mod_rewrite and since I don't use apache anymore I can't access any profiles until I get nginx with my rewrite rules. When that is done, I'll give you the credits