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  1. G

    3D glass in maya

    I just did it: Not the best, 5 min of work. Also, I made this "fish tank" with balls:
  2. G

    [REQ][1000 credits]First to get a highscore

    hahaha ok *credits sent, thread closed*
  3. G

    [REQ][1000 credits]First to get a highscore

    I hope he is registered :P
  4. G

    [REQ][1000 credits]First to get a highscore

    No one has got a highscore yet :P. The game is pretty hard, I didn't make furter than to level 39 :P. Want to see if someone can make it all the way :D
  5. G

    [REQ][1000 credits]First to get a highscore The first person that gets a highscore (finishes all levels) I will give 1000 credits too. Note: You must be registered to get high scores! (you can register anytime by pressing "register")
  6. G

    Wow <- fill in the form
  7. G

    Free webhost, safemode off, php with no restrictions ALL BS READ IT!

    I have had trouble with that host too (I wont say the name). I started a blog hosting service, and because it got no visitors it was terminated (I don't care), well, atleast what I got told. It never were terminated, and now they spam me with that I am using slow mySQL querries but I don't care...
  8. G

    Browsing history to determine your gender

    Well, I guess you need to surf some more. I needed to surf for 2 weeks in stumbleupon before it was correct lol :P
  9. G

    Hybrid SSD (New type of affordable hard disk)

    I belive SSD was made for laptops because it uses less power and it's silent and doesen't get very hot. *moved to computers and technology*
  10. G

    Hey Brandon! Soon I have more friends than you :P

    Hey Brandon! Soon I have more friends than you :P
  11. G

    Booting from USB stick

    *closed, already fixed it myself*
  12. G

    Funny Picture Thread

    o.O. How did you get that photo from my harddrive??? How did you know that was me? And was Dan there? I didn't see him o.O ahaha j/k :P
  13. G

    Browsing history to determine your gender

    it checks your history on a top 10 000 list I think
  14. G

    Browsing history to determine your gender

    hehe. I often visit social sites like youtube, facebook and sometimes digg. Then of course, a torrent site once in a while, the male-female ratio is always over 2 on those lol :P.
  15. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I want crazy spam mails! :P
  16. G

    Browsing history to determine your gender It is pretty cool. It requires you to not have deleten your browser history in a while. I got: which is correct
  17. G

    Booting from USB stick

    I want to use boincPE on it but I just realised it won't work because the ram usage sucks really hard on that machine. Because you load it into ram and just BOINC and bartPE uses half the ram and 128 MB isn't enough for the projects.
  18. G

    Booting from USB stick

    how do I know it supports U3? Portableapps suit did work on it, does that mean it supports U3?