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  1. G

    Inactive members

    Yeah I agree that forced posting is a bit, makes you leave. Like I always stay away from hosts that has "post to get hosting". We have a reward scheme here at x10 actually. It is the credits. You get 4 credits for every post (in some places 8). For the credits, you can buy things from other...
  2. G

    Alternate Search Engine you use

    I preffer google as I don't search so often. Google is enough for me.
  3. G

    What is your favorite candy / treat?

    Toblerone and snickers! +mars too. The only one avaiable in sweden that is avaiable internationally
  4. G

    About Domain Registrar

    is it the same domain extension? like all is .com or .net? like a .me is lot more expensive than .com
  5. G

    Microsoft sees end of Windows era

    *Moved to computers and technology*
  6. G

    Types of files

    .aspx = active server page. .nhn = Have no idea .pl = pearl .py = python
  7. G

    Inactive members

    Moved. I agree. I would really like everyone to post more. Not just signing up because you need to...
  8. G

    Best Quote

    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -Albert Einstein
  9. G

    Happy Frienship day....

    All my friends are here at x10 :) (well, not 2 but 1 is member on the forum aswell). So Happy Friendship Day everyone!
  10. G

    Help me (Takes 10 seconds)

    done. I always use 1280 x 1024. The other ones looks weird to me but that is maybe because I am used to this.
  11. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I don't want to stretch the forum layout. I belive it gets a bit long with "offtopic and martketplace moderator :P"
  12. G

    EyeOS works fine

    Welcome! Be careful with eyeOS, I have heard it can be a resource hog with many users :P
  13. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    5th :P. wow, hehe working on x10 as regular user. Well, the regular users has a work too, to fill the forums with information, questions and things to discuss :P. Without them it wouldn't bee fun.
  14. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Thank you! You know, remember that time I asked if I should submit the application again? If you and unfoundbug (nathan) didn't tell me to try again I would never have submitted the application.
  15. G

    Xbox - ??? 2010

    Cool! *starts saving money*. I really need to buy one when it is released. My friend think it's name will be "Xbox 720". Let's see if he has right.
  16. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    cool you have a trackmania site. I have trackmania united forever. I should start my own trackmania site, maybe we can be affiliates?
  17. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Yes we surely need moderators :) Congrats TechAsh! :P Edit: Congrats to you too :). I agree with you Edit: Would my spam be official spam too if I get choosen?
  18. G

    is it possible to...

    would it be enough for eyeOS with many users?
  19. G

    if you were the god!

    I would kill all humans and make it all start over without weapons and war :P (just delete all weapons wouldn't do it because then everyone knows how to re-make the weapons) Edit: ehum... 40 GBPS
  20. G

    Urgent: Pc Broken, Help Me Please!

    I don't really know how to fix this myself, but I found some guys with the same problems: (this seem to be windows XP but it maybe works on vista too).