Search results

  1. dwd2000

    Age Range

    I had this one on before, but I guess it was pruned.
  2. dwd2000

    I got bored. Please look.

    Update: - moved the menu more to the left for smaller monitors, - changed the text links to white, (didn't want to, but you can see them now) - removed border around x10 referral banner. For those of you who don't like it, it's okay. There is no way to please everyone. (maybe later I will...
  3. dwd2000

    I got bored. Please look.

    WOW...I wasn't expecting this, but it's good. I have now passed the validation tests. Looks like I'll have to do the same with my other sites. I also use a wide screen monitor, (20" digital, 1680 by 1050 px) but never have the browser, or anything the full width or maximized. I leave about 6"...
  4. dwd2000

    I got bored. Please look.

    I still have to figure out the proper text colours. I could also use some more good links in some categories. Ideas on both are welcomed. :dunno:
  5. dwd2000

    Website Categories needed

    :cool:hahaha My memory is great...but sometimes short. Once I read your reply, I remembered. Okay, but maybe "Affiliates" might be a better overall category and use "Paid To Click" as a sub for it. Thanks
  6. dwd2000

    Website Categories needed

    Pardon my ignorance, but please explain "PTC".
  7. dwd2000

    Coming Changes + New Staff

    If you need someone to help run your arcade, let me know. I am running one on one of my sites now.
  8. dwd2000

    Website Categories needed

    I am adding some "website promotion" scripts to one of my websites and need some ideas for adding categories. As a reward, (sort of) I will add your site(s) to the category/categories. A return link would be nice, but I won't force it because I need the ideas. The website is...
  9. dwd2000

    Why X Ten?

    Let's see... "x" has many meanings, depending on certain things. Math: "x" is used for a sign for multiplication, (2x5=10, although "*" is used with computer languages and such) and used as a sign for an unknown value. (10=2+x) Maps and such: "X" marks the spot. Movie rating system: It's a...
  10. dwd2000

    X10 is bad......

    If you have internet access to your bank account, you should be able to transfer money to your PayPal account that way. Go to PayPal for more info. The waiting time is rather long, so plan ahead.
  11. dwd2000

    Error pages - send me info (read further for clarification)

    I'm not worried about the code determining if it's a hacker. I can probably figure that out by the pages they are trying to get to and how many times they try. Wouldn't I have to change the error pages to .php? I'm using a nice form script that hides my e-mail address really well. ( Simple...
  12. dwd2000

    Error pages - send me info (read further for clarification)

    Note: I'm a paying customer, so yes, I can edit my error pages. Scenario: Someone happens to land on an error page, for whatever reason. I would like the info automatically sent to me without the user knowing. cPanel has the codes already available to insert into the error pages, but I would...
  13. dwd2000

    arcade problem

    I am also using php Quick Arcade on my friends-alumni site. I'm not sure where you are getting your games, but they have to be formatted to work with the arcade script. The best place to download games is: (15 free downloads per day, unless you want to pay for...
  14. dwd2000

    Google Maps Driving Simulator Lets You 'Drive' Anywhere

    This is great. I spent a few minutes flying around Toronto. (where I live) I flew down for a closer look around the dome and the CN Tower and crashed. OOOPS. I recommend this.
  15. dwd2000

    What is your favorite online Flash Game

    I just added a flash arcade to my main site about a month ago. I try to get a wide assortment of games. Personally, I like the defense and casino type games, but I think I have something for everyone. Everything is sorted by category. So far, there is only about 175 games, but I'm adding new...
  16. dwd2000

    UBUNTU 8.04 - Information/Experiences

  17. dwd2000

    Definition of "intelligence"

    I think every living thing has its own brand of intelligence. (as compared to something like a rock) It might only be instinct or the ability to adjust to its surroundings, but it's still a form of intelligence. Living things that can actually learn something, like humans, dogs, etc., can be...
  18. dwd2000

    Is your site using too much resources or is their server just too slow?

    I was suspended once for not having an index page on my free account. Meanwhile, I was developing my site with my domain name, which was within my free account and didn't realize it wasn't the actual main account. As soon as I told x10 this, I was unsuspended and had an index page on the main...
  19. dwd2000

    Email problems

    My ISP (cable company) sometimes changes server or POP settings, etc. with little or no warning. Try them first, especially if you know that you or he didn't make any changes within your settings.
  20. dwd2000

    UBUNTU 8.04 - Information/Experiences

    One of the four computers in our household (my kids') was using a "borrowed" copy of Windows XP. With the apparent crackdown on such copies, combined with the fact I didn't want to spend money to buy my own copy, I decided to take someone's advice (from here) and looked into Ubuntu. The computer...