Search results

  1. G

    Google has started to ignore my robots.txt

    I made that robots.txt at january and google bot can access all. The Bigjoe thing was added 2 weeks ago and google dled it 3 hours ago.
  2. G

    Google has started to ignore my robots.txt

    why? User-agent: * Disallow: /bigjoe/ That's one part of my robots.txt that got indexed. I belive it is strongly against the rules that search engines index sites in the robots.txt. Edit: see: Tillåten=allowed
  3. G

    Help! Possible email hack!

    I got this often in my horde. I got like 100 of porn spam and things sent from * * is a random name
  4. G

    Win 1000 credits! Entrance fee 10 credits

    Credits recived. Thnak you
  5. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    In the newsletter contest. You won a custom usertitle but you didn't claim even when you were online.
  6. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    You missed your price lol
  7. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Lol i am writing from my cellphone again because im bored. It costs me 15 SEK per mb, thats around 2 $
  8. G

    Bring Traffic to your site/forum. How you do it?

    one more: add keywords that are misspelled too. Like I get 10 clicks a week from "Sony erricsson K660i"
  9. G

    need "help with google webmaster tools

    you have the descripton meta tag inserted twice?
  10. G

    Win 1000 credits! Entrance fee 10 credits

    Recived. Btw, you won the newsletter contest
  11. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    lol I got banned for a week on another forum for spamming their spam thread :/
  12. G

    Game Maker?

    I did until my antivirus uninstalled the crack lol. I hate limited editions and I have no money
  13. G

    Win 1000 credits! Entrance fee 10 credits

    Rules: There are no rules! You can buy as much as you want and the winner will get 1000 credits. I will use to choose the winner. This will end 25/5 (next sunday) Post here of how many tickets you buy! 10 Credits per tciket
  14. G

    Installing pbpBB2

    no to
  15. G

    Installing pbpBB2

    Just one note: the support for it ends 1 january 2009 and there is security flaws in phpBB2