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  1. adrenlinerush

    Imap php extension

    i would assume most ports are blocked from external coming in but are they blocked from internal going out? roundcube is on the x10 server and currently the smtp/imap server is on my linode vps until it gets migrated... so is port 993 blocked from the free x10 servers going to the outside...
  2. adrenlinerush

    Imap php extension

    k found the web installer for pear... finding libs now for MDB2... roundcube still not connecting to IMAP... not sure at this point if i'm missing dependancies or what... Edit: looks like roundcube is failing on fsocked open is timing out... does anybody know if port 993 is blocked? I copied...
  3. adrenlinerush

    Imap php extension

    trying to migrate roundcube from my linode VPS to here (free hosting) and having the same issue... would like to know if that is the case... trying to cut costs you know so I was moving mysql here along with my php stuff and going to migrate my linode postfix/courier-imap/cyrus-sasl setup to...
  4. adrenlinerush

    Absolut Down?

    Seems absolut http, cPanel and ftp is down...
  5. adrenlinerush

    TOS Question

    I know the TOS cleary states we must login to the forums atleast once in any two week span... so lets say we know we're not going to have internet access for 2 1/2 weeks due to vacation, military field exercise, whatever and we don't want our account to be closed what are our options? Can we...
  6. adrenlinerush

    Winter Weather...

    Just curious ... how many people are being effected by the big Ice storm in the Midwest going on right now? I'm currently working from home due to the icy roads... hope we don't loose power... lots of people without already...
  7. adrenlinerush

    My Buddy's New CD

    Don't know if any of you enjoy christian music, but my buddy Mike has a very good album out... you'd probably like it even if you don't like christian music... you can preview the songs... view his music video... and order the CD from his site... Check out
  8. adrenlinerush

    absolut down again?

    is absolut down again?
  9. adrenlinerush

    Perl Sendmail Problem -- sendmail config

    I've used this same Perl sendmail script on my server at home... various clients of mine servers... etc for years and for some reason its not working on this site... actually it says it executes fine but i never get the messages... I don't know how it would be related other than sendmail...
  10. adrenlinerush

    Perl Sendmail

    Hey everybody... I've read that in order to use php mail function I have to request and upgrade to php... I'm however using PERL for my cgi... and it seems to be functioning properly, but I'm not receiving messages... in order to access sendmail from perl do I have to upgrade php or is there...