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  1. G

    Top List

    Ever noticed that button in the x10 toolbar? Maybe we need some sort of approval staff (maybe 2 - 3 persons) that can approve the sites submitted? Edit: no one? I will gladly sit and approve some sites everyday if there would be a chance
  2. G


    Very good traffic exchange. Surfratio 3:2. Click here to join!
  3. G


    Some of my programs that uses md5 to the passwords don't work because the md5.dll file is missing. I found it on google but it costs 20$ just for the dll file. Can I get it free somewhere?
  4. G

    Gamertag rotation

    I need some sort of xbox 360 gamertag rotation script. This is what it should do: Rotate all gamertags User should be able to add their gamertag automaticly This is the gamertag code: <iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0"...
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    Movie effects(light saber, lasergun etc)

    I can do effects like lightsabers, laser guns, laser balls, laser beams, thunder and similliar effects for your movie/clip. 2 credits/frame. That will say 1 second in PAL is 50 credits and 1 second in NTSC is 60 credits. Fill in this form: What effect: where (time) in the movie: where (place)...
  6. G


    I heard cossaks http is down. But stolis http seems down but everywhere it shows online on stoli. My site has been down in 2 - 3 days. Anyone on stoli that has a site working?
  7. G

    What should I do now?

    This is the way: My modem HAS a router function. But my ISP has set it to bridge and they denies to set it to router. There is a manual how to login on my modem and change it my self and save 400 sek (~59$). But if they notice this because we don't own the modem I have broken the TOS and I need...
  8. G

    Advertisement team

    I need 2 - 3 ppl to help me advertise my forum. I will give 20 credits/month and 10 credits to all of the team for every member who posts 2 posts on my forum (no cheating!). So if it is 3 in the team all will get 20 credits per month + 10 for every member who has posted 2 posts on my forum...
  9. G

    resize flash

    I have a lash clock that is 1024 x 768. I need it to be 170 x 70. How do I do? I have tested this: <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="170" height="70"> <param...
  10. G

    What do you think?

    What do you think about my updated site ?
  11. G

    The ad on x10's 404...

    Notice the header of the ad: "". No it isn't. Aren't there a law against "Domain stealing"??? I don't want another page saying it is And btw the link "", shouldn't it be ""?
  12. G

    False 404

    I get a false 404 here: I know it exsist because I just uploaded it.
  13. G


    is it enabled on x10?? I use phpBB SEO and I just activated mod_rewrite and every single page goes to now. The funny thing is, that page that is showing is my old hosts error page. How the ****??? Any idea how to fix it? Here is my .htaccess: #...
  14. G

    Google Tv widget Can I use it on my website??? I think it is legal because google wouldn't do illegal things, right???
  15. G

    Apple Xserver

    Omg! I guess this is good for a hosting company (but expensive):
  16. G

    FTP on stoli

    The FTP seem to go up and down all the time. It is up in 5 min down in 5 min and it just do that all time.
  17. G

    xbox 360 Gamer tags

    I just bought a xbox 360 with 12 month live. My Gamertag is vigge1sWe (the console said vigge sWe was taken but xbox's site said it wasn't so now I'm kinda mad at microsoft). You can add it if you want.
  18. G

    EA don't accepts ppl under 18 to play online on xbox 360

    I am 15 and I can't play Skate online even though it is from 12. I called EA yesterday and asked why and they say that because you can buy items for real money from the xbox live marketplace for all EA games they can't allow ppl under 18 to play online, even though the law says ppl under 16...
  19. G


    I just want to ask, Why did I get banned??? " You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified. Date the ban will be lifted: Never " Sorry for posting the question here because it seems to be a IP ban and I can't any staffs email. What have I done to get suspended???
  20. G

    End of the world countdown

    I did this page in about 10 min for testing my html skills (not much): The countdowns is based on theories.