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  1. M

    The Pirate Bay Verdict!!!

    Copyright law is mostly civil law. If you violate copyright you would usually get sued, not be charged with a crime. "Innocent until proven guilty" is a principle of criminal law, as is "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." Sorry, but in copyright suits, these don't apply the same way or at all...
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    Do you believe in God?

    A lot of people tend to believe in God but they don't believe in the bible. I do, and I can see why people forget or dont care because Jesus walked the earth along time ago, Can you fully understand the disciples and what they have seen. Reading Jesus's life through others. example It's like...
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    Michael Jackson reported dead

    yeah, thats really crazy. I was just listening to one of his songs via pandora the day before and also saw a college dance final and the group danced to "Beat it"
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    Gimp or Photoshop?

    depends on use; however, im going with photoshop
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    Anyone use Dreamweaver?

    Really Good Software, reply to the others post. Don't bootleg this software it is definitely worth the money for the whole suite.
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    Domain Buying And Selling

    thanks for the fast response, you are right. I checked out some domains ready to sell and if you check the web sites they are all nearly spam for example (
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    Top 5 Sites You Visit?

    1.Hotmail 3.facebook 4.myspace
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    What is your opinion about the best operating system for desktop/laptops ?

    Basis of your opinion on Reliability Scalability Ease to use Easy to administer Security Indeed, it does depend on the purpose. I'd love to see people's opinions
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    Corny Pick up lines

    "If i said you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?" -- Fresh Prince
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    Domain Buying And Selling

    I'm thinking about investing in the domain trading system. I plan on buying a domain name, building it a bit, and selling it. What are the risks of investing in domain names?
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    X10 exchange banner

    It is a very catchy banner. image is power!
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    Dreamweaver or Expression?

    I have recently been asked to compare DreamWeaver to Expression for designing temps please give me feedback on each and what you think is a better choice for beginners.
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    Thank you x10hosting

    I am pleased to have this hosting account. It shouldn't be a problem accessing the account every week, school gets pretty crazy and projects will not contain explicit content. Edit: The theme, Has a lot to do with my portfolio . It will display various web designs i have made at school and on...
  14. M

    Hello all...

    Thanks to Free web hosting review I am able to find a free hosting that actually works for school projects. Still Pending... How long does that normally take?