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  1. prppedro


  2. prppedro

    My account is seriously affected and the server appears to be down

    Ok, but now is back... The problem is the account! My Webmaster don't advised me... All the account is in complete disorder! My Intermediate PHP version is down to Basic, and if I try to upgrade PHP version, the AMP returns a dummy message who said: "This feature is not currently activated on...
  3. prppedro

    My account is seriously affected and the server appears to be down

    Hi, I have a account in stoli. But when I access the site today, no page has show... The SeaMonkey says "Connecting" and the ping is good... But I can't access CPanel, login page appears but the admin site isn't show... "Waiting for", and the site still loading. I...
  4. prppedro

    500 Internal Server Error

    Hi :D I suffering too, with Joomla: [Fri Jan 23 07:11:15 2009] [error] [client x] File does not exist: /home/prppedro/public_html/bdh/500.shtml [Fri Jan 23 07:11:12 2009] [error] [client x] File does not exist: /home/prppedro/public_html/bdh/500.shtml [Fri Jan 23 07:10:40 2009] [error]...
  5. prppedro

    Mail() and phpBB

    Intermediate... but no longer works...
  6. prppedro

    Mail() and phpBB

    Hi all... My site ( is experiencing a lot of problems, the major problem is of the phpBB E-Mail... My Virtual Airline Site need of Mail actived, because this, I solicited a Advanced PHP, with Mail actived... After the activations, has worked, but, has stoped... Now, a...
  7. prppedro

    FrontPage stoped to publish, stoped to work

    Hi... My FrontPage has worked up to yesterday... and I publishied a correction on Operations page... But today the FrontPage 2000 has stoped to publish the web... The FP says that server returns this messege: The frontpage is denied to access the web publish system! And I tried to reinstall...
  8. prppedro

    Site is ever under lag, down or impossible to connect

    hum.... ok. I'm making this question because I maked the V.A. site here and need for a operational site, but no problems, the V.A. is under construction.
  9. prppedro

    Site is ever under lag, down or impossible to connect

    thanks... but, what time is necessary for this reform?
  10. prppedro

    Site is ever under lag, down or impossible to connect

    Hi everyone... My domain ( is getting unstable! In some times, the Home Page opens, but a subdirectory: /portalfp, /forum, etc... don't open, the SeaMonkey says: Connecting... And front page too. In other times the site is simple down with Network Timeout, Connection...
  11. prppedro

    My site is getting 404

    Working fine... thanks! xD
  12. prppedro

    My site is getting 404

    Hi all... recently, my account have been unsuspended, but I don't getting to acess my siste and CPanel! What's happening? Edit: NOTE: I just tried to change domain, but don't worked, only CPanel works... NOTE II: Look this informations located at Account Managment: Server Name Stoli.x10...
  13. prppedro

    Error on account panel

    Hi, I'm try to get the HTML code to add Ads, but i getting among of PHP errors, and after, i get this: An Error Has Occurred Although you've logged in successfully, there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system. Please post on our forums to seek support...
  14. prppedro

    Error pages Module

    thats'ok... No problem...
  15. prppedro

    Error pages Module

    Hi, all I'm getting an curios problem. My site,, on acessing a non-existent file, like, appears a 404 error page by x10 with Blue Fund and words in white. After this, i'm (in CPanel) have altered, using the "Error Pages", a...
  16. prppedro

    Can't access my site...

    I'm passed via M.P., ok? Att. pedro
  17. prppedro

    Can't access my site...

    :'(. I'm finishied my site content now... And now i don't have a site to put the content... Can you make a new account for me? I'm from Brazil. Att. Pedro
  18. prppedro

    Can't access my site...

    Username: prppedro My account is Corporate Free (I don't have this enhancements, such as Ad free or Ad enhaced). Att. Pedro Edit: Sorry, my plan is Corporate AdEnhaced. Edit: Exclamation Hosting account created. - 03-31-2008, 06:15 PM Hosting account created on server "Vox". Code...
  19. prppedro

    Can't access my site...

    Hi, Everyone . Now i have a new problem. I'm preparing files to upload to my account. And i accessed the my domain adress... but i'm don't getting to see my site: In explorer: The page cannot be displayed and in the firefox, the same error. Few weeks later, i tried to access CPanel, but my...
  20. prppedro

    Shell Access

    Hi! I need Shell access to CMS and Files Organizing (I'm more familiar to Shell :p). Is possible? []'s