Search results

  1. mavr1c

    Chopin - Announcement

    I think most users do try and determine the validity of opening a ticket prior to actually opening one but there seem to be far too many places to search fo rpossible causes. The documented place to look for problems is Service Alerts but NOTHING posted there yet despite "Cory is working hard...
  2. mavr1c

    Site down for several days now... not acceptable

    I find the constant references to "if you don't like it leave" very unprofessional. Chopin has been down frequently and as long as a week one time. Look at the Service alerts and NOTHING mentioned. Searching through various forums eventually yields comment about "we know Chopin is down...
  3. mavr1c

    Thank You!

    I have no other place to expess my appreiation for the heroic efforets the X10 team put in to migrate users to the NEW and improved systems. It is GREAT to see the site up and running again. Thanks again!
  4. mavr1c

    Returning, no x10Hosting hosting account

    If you do not get confirmation on Yahoo look in your Spam folder. Yahoo tends to put users not in your "contacts" list into the Spam folder and you may NEVER see the confirmation, depending on your settings in Yahoo.
  5. mavr1c

    Chopin Expedited Copy
  6. mavr1c

    NO Access to Website

    I guess I am not used to cryptic messages like 65% done indicating a total loss of service for more than a day. The explanation of what to expect and perhaps the duration of the service being lost would have been helpful (in advance). Even the responses after the problem report have no...
  7. mavr1c

    NO Access to Website

    Thursday, February 4 Current Server Transfers23 hours ago Here is an update to the migration of four of our free hosting servers (initially discussed here). •Lotus is finished. •Starka is about 80% finished. •Stoli is about 65% finished. •Chopin has not been started. If you are...
  8. mavr1c

    NO Access to Website

    When attempring to access my site I get There should be no issues with Chopin according to the supplied information!
  9. mavr1c

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    If you trust science instead of voodoo politics from the likes of Limbaugh, you know Global warming is real. It may not destroy humanity or all of wildlife in our lifetime but future generations will certainly pay for our crimes against nature. The evidence demonstarting Global warming is...
  10. mavr1c

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    Many things run well on XP that will not run on Vista but then Vista is a poor excuse for an operating system. Look in the dictionary under Nightmare and see Vista pictured in the description. Out of necessity I still run 98 XP Vista and 7. Win 7 is promising to be a great OS, fast and...
  11. mavr1c

    Inactive members

    If you impose a quota on posting you will create a mess. People who have something to say do so already, in fact many have nothing worthwhile to contribute but still post drivel. Forcing posts will increase the drivel content and destroy the value of the site and the meaningful exchange of ideas.
  12. mavr1c

    Who Here Grabbed Windows 7?

    I have Windows 7 and think its great! I run 98, XP, Vista as well and 7 is the hands down winner. Vista sucks big time (relegated it to doing nothing but backups) unreliable and bloated with hinderances nobody should ever have to put up with.. I would recommend Win 7 to anyone needing an OS.
  13. mavr1c

    Windows 7 - Better or Worse? Your oppinions please?!?

    I have Windows 7 and think its GREAT (about 100 times better than Vista ever was or could be)! MUCH Faster More user friendly I still run XP (and Vista) as well because of some apps that will not run on Vista or Windows 7 . I would not hesiate recommending Win7 to anyone and I (based on...
  14. mavr1c

    Could someone do me a favour

    could some one with IE view my site and let me know if it's loading ok, and if there are any brakes in the images? As I've tested in all other browser but can't test at the moment in IE until I sort it out. Many thanks in advance, Oraya I use IE on Win 7 and...
  15. mavr1c

    Free Accounts Upgraded

    Thanks for a fantastic and reliable service. I have no idea how you can afford to provide such resources and support FREE! Keep up the good work!
  16. mavr1c

    Backup Proposal, Please Leave Feedback

    While every user would be irresponsible not to have their own backups, weekly backups on the server side makes the most sense to me. Not sure who figured going from daily to montly has any logic but it is too huge a leap. If I lost my data I could be almost two months out of date with monthly...
  17. mavr1c

    web page hit counters ? but which one?

    I would be most interested in evaluating, using your code if are willing to share. Thanks! ;) Jim
  18. mavr1c

    My Website

    Must love blue! Even the flag is all blue! Very utilitarian. Need a little creativity.:cool:
  19. mavr1c

    Yahoo has started 1GB

    Re: Yahoo has started 1GB UNLIMITED Yahoo mail is unlimited storage and has been for some time following the lead of gmail. Yahoo is a far suprior product to gmail. Easier to use all the functions i.e. reply all, rich text signatures, (still unavailable in gmail). I would still like to see...