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  1. R

    FTP Client can't connect to the server

    Accout username: j14s Primary Domain: cPanel URl: That sums it all up right there...I tried dropping the ftp. but that produced the same results.
  2. R

    Getting myself a webpage... I've got a forum down...took long enough...anyways... Apperantly I have to replace the default index page with something else. This would the actual 'website', and would have a link to the forum. Here is my problem. I have no clue how to make a webpage. Is there anyone here that could...
  3. R

    Problems accessing website and CP

    cPanel user name: j14s subdomain/domain: cPanel URL: hosting package: Corporate Hosting Type: Ad-Enhanced Server Name: Stoli.x10 IP Address: Server Uptime: 54 days, 2:32 Server Load3.32 Apache HTTPOnline MySQLOnline EximOnline...
  4. R

    Need to know a few things.

    cPanel user name: j14s subdomain/domain: hosting package: Corporate Apperantly, I have to know: Database Type Database server hostname or DSN Database name Database username Database password These, accoring to phpBB, should be able to be obtained from the host. Or is...
  5. R

    Denied Access

    I'm trying to set up a phpBB3 forum, but I get this all the time: ALERT: function with backlist called: set_time_limit().... I have talked with the people at phpBB, and they say that the website hosts (x10hosting) are not allowing me access to set_time_limit(). I am to contact you to see if...