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  1. R

    Nothing works...

    I would have liked at best, some sort of notification, so that I don't make the same mistake again. :( I am going to re-sign up. Aagin, thank you for your services.
  2. R

    Nothing works...

    How is it that 2 days ago, I was updating my forum version and a few hours before I posted this message, everything was working fine? There hasn't been 10 days, more like 2.
  3. R

    Nothing works...

    I can't login to cPanel. 'It says Internet Explorer cannot display the page'.
  4. R

    Nothing works...

  5. R

    Nothing works...

    Last week. I also followed the instructions to link my forum account with cPanel, and I've been waiting almost a day. I just tried it again. Edit: and now 2 days in, still never got any e-mail.
  6. R

    Nothing works...

    Here's everything in a nutshell. = Great Sucess blah blah blah... = Internet Explorer cannot display the page... cPanel = Login Attemp Failed >.> x10 account panel thing = Your accout needs to be linked to the forum...
  7. R

    Problems with my website not showing up, cPanel, and my x10 account page websites domain is 'currently available', my cPanel login attempt failed, and on the account page I get: there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system. Tried on IE and Firefox, same junk with each browser. I also flushed my DNS cache. URL =...
  8. R

    cPanel 'Restoring Database' for hours

    I am trying to restore a MySQL database from a full backup...however cPanel just sits there and...well...does nothing. I get: Restoring Database and it will display that...and nothing else. What am I doing wrong?
  9. R

    What do I do with cPanel's full backup?

    I've recntly restarted my account...and before the old one got deleted, I downloaded a full backup. So now I have it, and I'm wondering where it needs to get uploaded to. public_html? public_ftp? Somewhere else? :dunno: Edit: I felt that this should go here, not in the free hosting support...
  10. R

    Anything I have that runs on MySQL won't work

    From my phpbb3: General Error SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Access denied for user 'j14s_STH'@'localhost' (using password: YES) [1045] An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists. From my SMF: Connection Problems Sorry, SMF...
  11. R

    Nothing works except cPanel...yet everything is online

    At time of posting, all services on stoli are online. If this is true, I'd like to know why I get a 'could not connect' error when I visit any page under my domain. Here: Also, upon logging into cPanel, I found out that a 4th MySQL database had been...
  12. R

    Offering Admin/Moderator Services for forums

    I've been board owner of multiple boards for a little under a year now. As some of my boards die and I get some free time on my hands...I'm willing to take up the admin or mod position on your forum. Forums I've been admin and/or mod on includes: InvisionFree, phpBB2 and 3, Proboards. Of course...
  13. R

    Text on Backrounds As you'll see there's a backround here. What I'd like to know how to do is put text on it. The reason I have the backround there is so I can type on it, instead of boring white. Anyone catch what I'm trying to do?
  14. R

    2013 error - MediaWiki

    To solve these 'failed with error [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server during query.' problems, you usually look for a 'config.php' file. However, MediaWiki does not have a config.php file. Just a config directory, (public_html/wiki/config) but this folder does not have a config.php file in...
  15. R

    Lost connection to MySQL server during query

    Since I'm the administrator...contacting myself won't help much. :dunno:
  16. R

    cPanel won't load

    For the past 2 days now, I've been trying to get at my cPanel. But I get greeted by a 'Problem Loading Page' error instead. I'm on Stoli, and from the looks for things, other people were having problems like this 2 days ago...however...that thread got locked. cPanel URL is...
  17. R

    A bundle of MySQL problems (wiki, databases that should be there but aren't, ect...)

    URL: cPanel username: j14s Type: Corporate Error selecting database wikidb: 1044 Access denied for user 'j14s_j14s'@'' to database 'wikidb' Another problem: SQL Databases: 1/5 I have made 2...yet only 1 comes up as...
  18. R

    FTP Client can't connect to server

    Status: Resolving IP-Address for Status: Connecting to Error: Could not connect to server This is delightful...this worked before. I'm guessing the updates stoli just got caused this. Is there some other name we are to use now?
  19. R

    Getting Google to think I exist...

    So I have a forum....and a half-decent homepage. Half of my problems are gone. Here's the other half: I don't interesting. According to the Google Webmaster account...
  20. R

    FTP Host/server name

    I'd like to find out what my FTP host is, because apperantly 'localhost' isn't ;) Somehwere in cPanel? cPanel username: j14s URL: Corporate, Ad-Enhanced -----------------------