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  1. phoenix2010

    Database error !! this is happening all the time

    Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to database im getting database connection errors all the time now and wondered if any of the mods can shed light on yet another problem on x10 hosting? ---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51...
  2. phoenix2010

    High rescourse usage triggered by ajax errors

    still looking for answers on this one guys?
  3. phoenix2010

    High rescourse usage triggered by ajax errors

    After spending a couple of weeks trying to get my akeeba back up working with joomla and succeeding every time i now try to back up i get an error which ive posted below! AJAX Loading Error HTTP Status: 503 (Service Unavailable) Internal status: error XHR ReadyState: 4 Raw server response...
  4. phoenix2010

    HRU (High Resource Usage) Policy Change

    Thanks corey this will make things a little easier. especialy the button in cpanel where users can track there own usage , totaly brilliant
  5. phoenix2010

    Akeeba back up triggering suspensions !!

    Thanks corey i just want to do more testing of akeeba whilst staying within the limits just thought i would ask as i dont want senior staff members unsuspending me when theyve got far more important things to do !
  6. phoenix2010

    Akeeba back up triggering suspensions !!

    hi there anna i was trying to execute the back up via my apple ipad and for some reason it kept failing i then used my laptop to execute the back up and it worked fine? not really sure what happened there? Also after ommiting some of the large directories the akeeba back up program executed...
  7. phoenix2010

    Akeeba back up triggering suspensions !!

    Hi ya corey Thanks for taking the time to reply to my questions and do totaly understand that the resourses have to be shared here on x10 . After speaking to nicholas the creator of akeeba yesterday he says i have the option of excluding certain directories from the back up , the biggest...
  8. phoenix2010

    Akeeba back up triggering suspensions !!

    After changing some of the akeeba back up settings im still in the same sittuation as before again triggering a suspension this morning. this is now very frustrating that a legitimate program cant do what its designed to do due to needing a little bit more of the resourses for those extra...
  9. phoenix2010

    Akeeba back up triggering suspensions !!

    many thanks for your response livewire i will look into what youve said further and also to add to that ive been in touch with the akeeba creator and hes given me certain settings to try to combat the high resource usage triggering the suspensions. i will try it again in a few days and if it...
  10. phoenix2010

    Akeeba back up triggering suspensions !!

    Dear friends at x10 The last couple of times ive tried to back up my joomla site ive been on the recieving end of high resouce usage suspensions. the app only runs for a matter of 20 seconds but i still get the suspension notice ? im aware that resources are prescious on a web host with...
  11. phoenix2010

    Network Upgrade

    Thanks for the info corey i turned on system caching in the back end of joomla and cut the loading time in half but knocked out some of my scripts ? The ones i need ? Again thanks for the hard work and will bevwatching this thread very closely :biggrin:
  12. phoenix2010

    Network Upgrade

    Firstly corey thanks for the great work your doing. secondly there doesnt seem to be any performance/speed improvement regarding my acount on stoli? im using joomla as well so maybe the MySql update might speed things up a bit? currently averaging about 8-9 seconds a page to load
  13. phoenix2010

    akeeba live-update/ joomla error message ?

    Thanks Gtoxic ive just tried the live update again from the backend of joomla and get the same error message. maybe i missing something ?
  14. phoenix2010

    akeeba live-update/ joomla error message ?

    can anyone give me any pointers on this please?
  15. phoenix2010

    akeeba live-update/ joomla error message ?

    "Your server indicates that Live Update is not supported. Please contact your host and ask them to enable the cURL PHP extension or activate the URL fopen() wrappers. If these are already enabled, please ask them to configure their firewall so that it allows access to the following URL:"...
  16. phoenix2010

    Still having E-mail problems ( please help)

    yesterday i was on x10 IRC and it was said that x10 email set up was having problems? corey said he would look into it for me but as of 5 minutes ago none of my acounts emails are worlkng on stoli! i have 2 main acounts 1 is admin{at} < this address i cant send or...
  17. phoenix2010

    Why has my support question been closed?

    hi there anna im not sure what you did but the ftp seems to be working fine now if i have any more problems i will ask for support again thanks for a great job best wishes phoenix
  18. phoenix2010

    Why has my support question been closed?

    Thank you so much anna for your assistance in this matter and look forward to hearing your findings It appears that we are having some slight difficulties, please wait and try your request again. (D38A904F) Still get this error
  19. phoenix2010

    Why has my support question been closed?

    Cheers mate much appreciated for the quick response livewire But when the link is clicked it takes me back to the log in page
  20. phoenix2010

    Why has my support question been closed?

    Not only has it been closed but the link to the support thread is dead and links back to my log in ?