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  1. satishan

    10 ways you can get free traffic to your website in this hard time

    This men got high communication skills, first i thought he is trying to really convince this things up, but when he placed this read this article link, i wasn't having any idea that those links will direct to his website, later when i read siarams post my bulb sparked:D. He might got many hits...
  2. satishan

    Not possible to access Cpanel

    have you configured DNS server of X10hosting in your CO.CC account, if yes then wait for DNS update, it might be within 24 hours.
  3. satishan

    Irrespective of your sympathies, who shall win the World Cup?

    Brazil, 2010 WC its Brazil's... L.Fabiano can strike well even in absence of Kaka.
  4. satishan

    Want to learn to program....

    can anyone tell how this structural query stores information and how this data in tables is so accurate.. and whether the new era of relational database more consistent and flexible..
  5. satishan

    Forum for fun:brain teasers and humor

    Buddy, please help me out, if you know to fix the matter. Thanks in advance.
  6. satishan

    My new website!

    Great job, it is reflecting the purity of your work, nice clean looks.
  7. satishan

    Free Domains

    use x10's subdomain completely safe, flexible and even you want go with top level free domain like .tk and subdomain better you park that domain rather than modifying it as the main domain, because there are some issues regarding .tk when you attract high better to take care.
  8. satishan

    The best site I ever Surfed!

    The best site i have ever surfed is and secondly through which i visited here..... visit forum and please help students to impart good skills in aptitude tests, job interviews, and test skills.
  9. satishan

    Forum for fun:brain teasers and humor

    does anyone using SMF here..please help i have forum running over smf, and i dont know how to add registration request there when guest tries to access certain board for which i want them to be a member, i requsted in smf support, but they explained in too complicated manner, so please help if...
  10. satishan

    Redirect from my old domain to the new domain

    Changing the name servers with x10hosting and parking it would be great as you can maintain getting visitors from as well or you may redirect to your .com domain. I think we can use any domain well with x10's free hosting.
  11. satishan

    Help: Needing Members

    Same case with me, guests visit my forum but no one likes to register, now i am planning a big picture...hope atlest i get 10 members.
  12. satishan


    Absolutely fine, no arguments....
  13. satishan

    the best ever free hosting company that can deliver good service

    When there is need for paid hosting? does all rules mentioned are implemented on free as well as paid hosting?
  14. satishan

    Technology Forum And Arcade

    Buddy great theme, you need to post in every board, its too blank.Specially tech debate. may visit forum for ref.
  15. satishan

    Domain Problems

    On which server? if its fris then yes, there some troubleshooting out there, better you check the status of servers at
  16. satishan

    Forum for fun:brain teasers and humor

    yes, i haven't installed any external plugins for wap mode, it comes in built..hope you choose good niche, buddy but don't install that version 1.1.11, it has poor looks install rc 2.0 like mine.
  17. satishan

    Forum for fun:brain teasers and humor

    @Bhupendra, thanks for review, against airtel , ok i'll hide it, but it is 100%'s and all are most common here, If your are planning to open a new forum in my opinion you should go with SMF as i have tried using both but SMF is more stable, easy to administrate, wide range of...
  18. satishan

    Forum for fun:brain teasers and humor

    Thanx sunitped, my forum is open to everyone, free to browse no regist. and all, by the way the forum have one member, see at bottom. Yeah, smart answer section is awesome, i personally like the last question and way the guy answered it,..mindblowing.
  19. satishan

    Parked Domain Problem Server Fris

    I am also facing the same problem on fris, already tried 3 domain,all attempts failed.
  20. satishan

    Forum for fun:brain teasers and humor

    dear alexain,are they really displaying adult ads??? please reply,because i have also found such ads one day,if they are displaying such then i am removing all those ads.,... ---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ---------- @Soki you may join the forum...