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  1. phazzedout

    Time for a Real Debate

    The banks. I know, that one liners are not allowed but here let me explain what I have seen, heard, read, studied. The banks pre-gobal recession, would give loans to people who couldn't afford to take out loans of said amount. This of course causes trouble, if no one is paying back, then banks...
  2. phazzedout

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    I will just say something simple, Global Warming does not mean that the summers will prolong and everyone will have a nice bronze tan. Global Warming is a much more complicated process than that, the summers get hotter and the winter gets colder. The reason for this is that one you start to heat...
  3. phazzedout

    Preferred Energy Alternatives

    I agree with everyone that we should use wind and solar power. Hell, I already have plans to make my house run on pure solar, I live in southern california where it is sunny 364 days of the year. Yet you should see how many house even have ONE solar panel, it is a pitty I say. By simple adding a...
  4. phazzedout

    Crossfire? Not many heated debates here...

    Good to hear that I can speak about the ethics of Piracy. Bring up subjects such as, is it really stealing, how is it stealing, who are you stealing from, etc. Thank you staff, I would read the rest but it seems more about forum drama, I don't want to get into that sorry.
  5. phazzedout

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for trying to get more reputation in your signature! :D
  6. phazzedout

    What's in your disc tray?

    Man the last time I used a disk was for school, before that was for watching some good ol' fashion pornography. I really don't use my disk tray for anything, now I just use a flash drive.
  7. phazzedout

    Choose A Profession For Person Above You!

    Friendly Neighborhood Child Molester
  8. phazzedout

    Count to 200

    Three Mile Long Island
  9. phazzedout

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for having a pointless signature.
  10. phazzedout

    Wordpress Installation

    I actually have not heard of softculous until I came here. Well I say your point. Another man on this post seems to pointed out that he can not find it on softculous so all hope of installing Wordpress is gone. Even a script-kiddie can do this.
  11. phazzedout

    Geeks Make the Best Lovers?

    Not all intelligent minds would be what I call socially "retarded" I have met many intelligent people that can probably get him/herself a nobel prize while woo-ing a person to get in bed with him/her. I know of many unintelligent people who can not see himself or herself to get any friends. It...
  12. phazzedout

    Crossfire? Not many heated debates here...

    Before I forget would be against the rules to debate internet piracy in this forum. Of course we will not be posting links on how to do it. Just on whether it is good or bad. That could be a good debate.
  13. phazzedout

    Preferred Energy Alternatives

    People seem to have forgotten Hydrogen and Nuclear power. Some one bring that up! I bet many of you believe Nuclear power is the ultimate worst because of Chernobyl. Well a simple google search, here is a link, will show you how the commies were in a hurry to become a...
  14. phazzedout

    Wordpress Installation

    Wow, no offence, but your guy's lazyness is a tad bit pathetic. I will show you guys how to add it no problem. Now let's begin shall we. First of all I hope you guys know how to create a MySQL database, with the user name and privileges. If you don't lurk around here there should be another...
  15. phazzedout

    HOWTO: Run an Imageboard (e.g. 4Chan, 711Chan)

    Thank you. ;) It should come out like there. Here is mine. If you do not like the /imgboard.htm you can easily change it by changing a line on /config.php define(PHP_SELF2, 'imgboard.htm'); Change this line to: define(PHP_SELF2, 'index.htm'); This should...
  16. phazzedout

    HOWTO: Run an Imageboard (e.g. 4Chan, 711Chan)

    Before I begin to explain how to run an Imageboard like 4Chan or 711Chan, I would like to make emphasis on the risks on running an imageboard. For starters: Unless you or someone is always moderating the imageboard it is completely risky to run one on x10Hosting due to the TOS So those are the...
  17. phazzedout

    Crossfire? Not many heated debates here...

    @adamparkzer That is very good to hear from a x10hosting staff. I never do one liners unless it is on review my site page. I never post spam. I dislike spam. Thank you though. I think I might start a post about something. We will see.
  18. phazzedout

    How is my new forum?

    It looks good. So what does the content revolve around?
  19. phazzedout

    Image Boards (4Chan)

    Lol that is what Ubuntu One is for. Free 2gbs of back up. I save my important documents on there. 7zip every file to make more room. Thank you everyone. I guess I will make the tutorial and also add part of the TOS. Thank you everyone. Have a fun weekend.
  20. phazzedout

    Image Boards (4Chan)

    I don't know. I have skimmed through the TOS like most other users (PFFT!) the mod said that it is ok as long as none of the common no-no's are in your website.