Search results

  1. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    Well if you consider the fact that artists probably make like ten percent per album, if you get rid of the middle man as many independent artists have, you will see that the price goes down. Take a look at an average CD cost, 15.00$ ; 10% per album would be 1.50$ for the artist per sale. Now...
  2. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    Wasn't his name Linus? IDK. Well Software is different, you should pay for the software. I bought the Adobe Suite, along with some of the Autodesk software. They are different from music, I mean what is it you can really do with software as an alternative. You can do what Canonical Ltd. and Sun...
  3. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    Yes, I talked to one person, a rapper who was rising. He was talking to my girlfriend's cousin who dropped school just to pursue a career in the music industry. The rapper told him that unless he has money to pay for the production cost to get back in school. Very sad, but oh well. That is not...
  4. phazzedout

    Preferred Energy Alternatives

    We could find alternatives but companies seem to be too lazy to switch. Even just doing a little leap to Diesel would be better than just going all unleaded gasoline. We could use ethanol which is much better than unleaded gas. Now we could go solar power, but there is the problem of not having...
  5. phazzedout

    Reproductive Ethics

    You are with a stranger be a good person and wear a helmet before preparing for battle. It does not work 100 percent of the time but better than going to the field of battle without any head gear. It's raining bullets out there! I am a huge supporter on contraceptives, I recall of a friend who...
  6. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    Lol I love your simple argument of, "I do it, so I don't care what you think." It is effective but this could be important if the debate is brought up in your country. I don't see this debate coming up in the future anywhere near america but I hope we could show them that our instinct to share...
  7. phazzedout


    You can use PHP here. Also MySQL, which can be used for many different PHP layouts. Such as Drupal or Wordpress. You should probably take a look at that.
  8. phazzedout


    Can't find your website sorry.
  9. phazzedout


    LOL! Welcome! Glad to have you here. Weird how you posted but yet it shows that you have never posted.
  10. phazzedout

    Not really new here but never formally introduced myself.

    Hello, I am not really that new to x10hosting but I never truly introduced myself. For starters my internet name is obviously PhazzedOut. You can probably figure out my real name by Google searching my username. Well for starters my website is a simple blogging site but I use other sub...
  11. phazzedout

    Programs you use to manage your site...

    FTP: Filezilla Code: Notepad++ or Notepad (I used to use Dreamweaver but when it loads the first time it takes a minute) Gfx: Adobe Photoshop CS4
  12. phazzedout

    Apple iPad

    Jailbreaked? Edit: What phone do you own? I don't want to buy a kindle or sony reader.
  13. phazzedout

    Why is Blizzard trying to phish my account?

    LOL it isn't as bad as a game a used to play called Knight Online World. The way their staff worked was unbelievable. I don't see how anyone could even see how this would work. Well the biggest problem in this game is that bot programs are an easy reach away, you can google search it and it...
  14. phazzedout

    Password Protect a page

    @slacker3 Thank you for the links. Helped me. The PHP one is not really that safe but I will see if I can use the PHP one in another way.
  15. phazzedout

    Count to 200

  16. phazzedout

    Criticism for my first drupal theme

    I like the theme. This is how I see it, if the page is eye candy I will stick around to read the content. I don't care for your content but you asked me to review your template so I approve! 9/10
  17. phazzedout

    Facebook Games.....

    I used to play YoVille alot but it lagged on my computer. Got to level 35 though.
  18. phazzedout

    Count to 1 Million

  19. phazzedout

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    Yup, over here in sunny southern California we had a couple of week of pure rain. We never get those over here. The last time this happened was when I was in 9th grade which was about 4-5 years ago. The change won't be drastic but we will notice it within our lifetime.
  20. phazzedout

    Why is Blizzard trying to phish my account?

    The link screwed it all up. Why would WoW need another website that is mispelled. I checked the link of WhoIS, I knew it would be some guy from China (not from a racial perspective), most of the coin shops are from there.