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  1. phazzedout

    Time for a Real Debate

    @ddcddc Dang. You poured your heart into this post. Well I read all of it. It does seem rather pessimistic but you do make a valid point, if people feel that they will go to heaven if they die for their "god" then a nuke will not stop them. Of course, I am speaking general nations, not militant...
  2. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    To respond to joe's and fracternal's responce. I forgot to add something. I mostly meant educational wise. Such as software or books. Probably should of clarified it. Such as, should we deprive the poor from an education. Should we deprive them from being graphic designers just because they can...
  3. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    @fractalfeline This is not new to me but you did bring up a good point to this forum topic. I do feel some companies should burn. I did bring it up subtly by saying if they can't adapt they should burn, Social Darwinism 101 businesses who adapt will survive. Which is the case of the film...
  4. phazzedout

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    @joejv4 Good enough for me. A couple of them are non-scholarly but better than nothing. I am all for recycling but a little research of it would show you that recycling does little to help and it some cases destroys the environment even more. One good example is recycled paper (piece of [sic]...
  5. phazzedout

    If the x10 can increase the monthly traffic is like

    Hmm. Trying to understand what he is trying to say. I think he is trying to make a suggestion not demand for more bandwidth. I think...
  6. phazzedout

    Windows does it again!

    This has probably been discussed before, but have any of you heard of this. What do you guys think of it?
  7. phazzedout

    Get 10 credits for 5 second work

    Done. Loaded fast. Very fast. I voted yes.
  8. phazzedout

    20 credits to Register

    LOL! PhazzedOut username is blocked! So I used UnPhazeable.
  9. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    @vigge_sWe Some people here would still call that stealing even out of necessity. I completely agree with you. In my old High school they bought the adobe suite for 12 computers. This high school is a school of only 500 students so they don't really get a huge budget. They bought each suite for...
  10. phazzedout

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for being a Lieutenant.
  11. phazzedout

    Count to 1 Million

  12. phazzedout

    Count to 200

    I Love this guy! Well if you do not know what this number means. This guy is the guy who dances in the SIX flags commercials.
  13. phazzedout

    Choose A Profession For Person Above You!

    Pope. Can't get any higher than that aside from Supreme Ruler of the World! For now you are Pope.
  14. phazzedout

    Not really new here but never formally introduced myself.

    Lol thank you! Glad to know I am welcomed. Very good hosting service and forum. :D
  15. phazzedout

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    Think Mojave Experiment. It was silly. I remember seeing one in front of Best Buys. I was using it, then I intentionally gave it a blue screen of death by downloading a program that does not work on Vista. Works on everything else though. ( or .com I forget) Then everyone in the tent...
  16. phazzedout

    Time for a Real Debate

    Spending a lot of our money on the military doesn't really help either. What is so good about having a great military if all you have to do is aim a nuke to a country to keep them away. I would much rather spend money on schools so my nations could be regarded as a nation of intellectuals. Then...
  17. phazzedout

    Preferred Energy Alternatives

    LOL! That gave me a good laugh. Hence, why I said we should invest money and time. I don't want people driving around bat-mobiles. Have you seen how people drive, it is as if they are in a hurry to go work, or home. Especially a teen, it is as if they want to crash into a tree. Maybe if we could...
  18. phazzedout

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    Perhaps. The amount of CO2 we create only makes up 3 percent out of everything. Bring me some sources. ;)
  19. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    LOL relax all of you. I actually do not agree with what I am saying but I love playing my arguer so I can argue better. See how I simply twisted everything you guys said to me and used it in my favor. I am trying to see how I could defend my self from it but yet all you guys do is get mad. Hmm...
  20. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    I agree with you, when it comes to movies I first see reviews and go to the theaters, if I want to see it again I get a DVD. If I do not like it, but someone wants to watch it, why would I buy it. We should give the lower economic class a chance to be entertained.