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  1. phazzedout

    Does X10Hosting support MD5

    Does it support it for htaccess files?
  2. phazzedout

    Holy Crap

    Hopefully I get my points. I bought an email account a month ago!
  3. phazzedout

    The best site I ever Surfed!

    Omg no one has stated the website that has the in it's URL, "...the best..." Oh they website that I believe is the best website so far is this one. I don't care how awesome blogs look as long as their content is awesome. Take a look.
  4. phazzedout

    Austin Plane Crash- Criminal Act or Domestic Terrorism?

    Would it be bad to say, "Unsung Hero"? To be honest... how many of you wouldn't love to blow up an IRS building. Honestly. Especially when you stop and think what our taxes will be spent on. If I didn't care for anyone I would think about it but in the end they still win. I remember at first...
  5. phazzedout

    Deleting account.

    Awesome then. Can you delete this hosting account then I create a complete brand new one while I associate this account as the forum one? Edit: Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account. cPanel username: phazzedo (X) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I...
  6. phazzedout


    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account. cPanel username: (X) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free...
  7. phazzedout

    Deleting account.

    I do not want to delete my account just yet but I was wondering if I could delete my host account while keeping my forum account intact? Then later associating a new host account with my forum account? Is that possible or not? Just a random question.
  8. phazzedout

    Reproductive Ethics

    @descalzo Well that is all great but that never happens in real life. People will always have sex. @frac The reason laws like these pass is religious influence and sheer ignorance of the people. You can not ignore that fact.
  9. phazzedout

    The Uber Serious Thread About Mondo Important Stuff

    I am not going to respond to that with a comment or suggestion. There is not much to say on this matter. It seems someone has pissed you off. From the first couple of lines I read. Summarize what this person has done.
  10. phazzedout

    Reproductive Ethics

    @tcmstr I agree with your perfectly, some people will walk around saying, why allow letting them have condoms and other things at their disposal, they shouldn't be doing it anyways. That wouldn't make sense in anyone's head. Such as some of the stores here in our city, have new rules that...
  11. phazzedout


    Oh I thought something was wrong. Thank you for the clarification! :)
  12. phazzedout


    Not to complain or anything but I bought an x10email account but I still have not gotten it yet. How long does it usually take?
  13. phazzedout

    Reproductive Ethics

    Well you have to consider that even if it is illegal, you can not ignore that they will still have sex. Also it may be illegal but it is not enforced. So now imagine if people at the age of 17 can not get birth control, ta-da you have a whole bunch of unwanted babies. I don't know about you but...
  14. phazzedout

    Education - What Needs to Be Done?

    @kefka_asylum Wow, I have no words for you on this one. @dj0wns Grades do not trully matter, they just show the school that you could sit down at your home and do your homework, or that your parents beat you senseless everyday for you to do your homework. Really, grades hold no merit when it...
  15. phazzedout

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    @kefka_asylum Lol sounds great that you have no feelings towards any aspect of intellectual property. That is ok though, many people could careless about intellectual property as well. But this post is more argueing is it ethical is it right, when should it not be right.
  16. phazzedout

    Reproductive Ethics

    @kefka_asylum Lol it is natural to want to procreate or at least feel good! But most humans would rather not have a kid during their teen years. I can agree to that so why not let the girls go on birth control. Some states simply do not allow this and have to call their parents for this...
  17. phazzedout

    Geeks Make the Best Lovers?

    @kefka_asylum Your second one, I haven't heard of. Also yes you could be both a geek and a nerd.
  18. phazzedout

    Marriage is about convenience NOT love!

    @kefka_asylum The human species automatically tries to find a mate. What you say is not remotely possible.
  19. phazzedout

    Global Warming: fact or fiction?

    GW a scam? I fail to see how it has ripped me of my money? If anything this hoax is has it's advantages. If it werent for GW I wouldn't be able to buy cheap cars that runs on little fuel.
  20. phazzedout

    Education - What Needs to Be Done?

    No. Sorry for one liner but I don't know what else to say to this guy. He is ignoring every fact of today's capitalistic society. In today's capitalistic society it seems to resemble the aristocracy of the Middle Ages. Rich stay rich and poor stay poor.