Search results

  1. B

    What do you do on the computer?

    Everything and anything. I game, browse, read, write, code, etc, etc, etc.
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    Left 4 Dead

    I have to say, I haven't played Left 4 Dead, but from what I've seen, this is pretty common: "OH MY ----! YOU SHOT THE CAR! YOU SET OFF THE ALARM! WHY DID YOU DO THAT? OH MY GOD WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! WHAT KIND OF A PERSON ARE YOU?! HOW COULD YOU--?!" *dead* And so forth.
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    Favorite Old School Games

    Half-Life 1. I got it for 98 cents yesterday :P
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    RPG Reviewers - Beta Version

    Very nice layout; but a little confusing and crowded. In Internet Explorer 6, it doesn't center correctly, but don't worry - not everything (in fact, really nothing) does. I can't say more without seeing the rest of your site; some more content would be nice please :P}
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    My mint new site

    You need to fix the link. Frankly, this page is very obnoxious to look at - the background, hard-to-read text, obnoxious GIF buttons, and other things which really are just going to drive viewers crazy. I realize this was mostly a project with which to show you can do certain things - but...
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    Procrastination can be your _WORST_ enemy

    I once lost my /etc/ folder and had to reinstall Linux. No good came of that... except I upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu :P
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    Firefox 3.1 Beta

    I haven't tried it yet; but I may consider installing it on my system later. Is it avaliable as an upgrade for Ubuntu?
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    Horrible in wordpress

    It definitely is the theme... if you gave us a link, that would be helpful.
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    only main page, please review

    Thanks for fixing. I still think it looks good; but bear in mind that as scottbu said red is a very 'attacking', not-eye-friendly color :)
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    Ubuntu 8.10 Beta

    OMB It's almost out! I can't wait :P sudo apt-get dist-upgrade for me :P XD
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    cada cuanto necesito creat un tema

    Hi, We have a separate forum for posts in Spanish. Please use it. I'm afraid I don't speak Spanish, I hope there's someone here who can explain it.
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    only main page, please review

    It's quite nice, but you should make sure it centers itself on the page in all browsers - in IE 6 (the only browser avaliable to me on this computer, sadly) it is not centered. You may want to consider fixing this. Also, some of the text 'leaks' over the curved borders of the site, at the...
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    My New Site - Free Gifts

    This is a very smooth design, it looks quite nice but a little generic - since yours is obviously a marketing website, you may want to do something that gives it a little more 'flair.' Make it look unique, if it stands out, it will be recognized! Good luck!
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    Ubuntu 8.10 Beta

    I've just switched to this from Linux Mint on my Macintosh (though, actually, it's because my Linux partition went corrupt and my etc folder was lost). It's quite nice; very pretty graphically, very smooth, and actually fixed a whole lot of issues I was having with mint (though it did...
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    wordpress site review & tips needed

    There are tons of good WordPress themes avaliable on their website, but also you could ask someone to make one for you, or take an existing one and modify it, like I did. This should be pretty easy; I'd recommend doing it with a simple template so your website will be easier to fit into it.
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    Love Literature

    (1) Love your avatar - Janeway FTW! (2) It's quite nice. I do very much like the theme, though the orange and yellow is a little bit... offsetting. Did you make it yourself? (3) It actually looks like a place I'd enjoy - I may consider signing up. I'll be able to say more after that...
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    Vexing CSS Problem; Floats Not Working

    I'm not familiar with that one. Please enlighten me XD :nuts:
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    Vexing CSS Problem; Floats Not Working

    Hi all, I'm currently in the process of setting up a Creative section for my site to host stories, reviews, etc, etc that I write. I'm using an Article Management System I found on a forum somewhere; I can dig up the actual link if you need it. My problem is that I cannot seem to get the...
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    Game Development Group Needs some help

    Yeah, seriously. We can't help you if we don't know that XD.
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    Post your first computer

    I'm not as old as all you elderly-types (just kidding, but...) so my first computer was a now-ancient Compaq desktop running Windows 95. I have no idea what the hard drive or specs were, just that it came with AOL Dialup and it was ooolllld. XD