Search results

  1. M

    Ioncube or Zend

    I am wondering, will x10Hosting ever install Ioncube Encoding or Send Encoding? So that user can use the latest IPB 2.2 and other IPB systems?
  2. M

    Having much email

    Recently I have reeceived an email from x10hosting again. It seem to be some one is using my emal to register for free hosting. I dont want to post the teh content out, cause I scare something called "piracy"... For staff who want to check further information, PM me to get the content. I will...
  3. M

    How to buen linux live CD

    DO any one of you use linux here, I myslef want to try it out. Recently I had doenloaded the kororaa live CD, but I had burn 3 times using nero. 1) Burn as data disc 2) Burn as image disc 3) Burn as audio disc. The three test fail, anyone of you have the detail instruction to burn it out? It...
  4. M

    Selectable cpanel skins

    I know it is good to have good template for a control panel, but I just missed the old cpanel skin. Can x10 provide multuple skin choices of cpanel for member ?
  5. M

    Install RPG Inferno

    Well, since RPG Inferno 3 is going to have Beta release for consumer, it is good that x10 would use one copy of them It is much much much more better that the RPG system that we are using now.
  6. M

    New cpanel skin not working well

    I am havingsome proplem on the new skin for cpanel, well, I am using FF 2.0 beta1, Problem is everytime I try to edit some file, the page will not view and FireFox will crash I post this to let staff check that whether it is just me that having proplem or others too facing this.
  7. M


    I am posting this to report there are bugs for the x10cash conertion : I receive this message : ERROR: The ammount of points you're trying to convert is higher than the ammount of points you can convert this month. Although I just try to convert 200.
  8. M

    Jokes 1 [by monky91]

    This is a conversation between a hotel guest and room service at a hotel in Asia.To fully understand what all this about,plz read carefully. Hope u all enjoy urself. Room Service (RS): "Morrin. Roon sirbees." Guest (G): "Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service." RS: "Rye..Roon sirbees..morrin...
  9. M

    slow loading

    Maybe the server stats need to be update now, ftp noot working, cpanel has slow loading, and many more proplem, is the server down again?
  10. M


    I need some admin to tell me whats the size limit for each database, cause if I need to host a forum at the free host? once my forum is growing larger and larger, my SQL database will be full..... So any limit? :tongue:
  11. M


    Why cant I access to forum's bank, I saw that some member have point in the bank. How can I do that?
  12. M

    Will there be any more upgrades?

    I want to know if there any more upgrades from x10Hosting when there are more user, I know x10Hosting is the best free host around, but I have seen that some host offer more bandwidth? So maybe there is a bandwidth dowbled when christmas this year? Will there be something like this? Thank you.
  13. M

    Plan Suggestion

    I hope that x10Hosting can make it longer time between cpanel log in before suspend it. Hope that it is a month, will this be possible.
  14. M


    I want to ask, is there any quota limit for MySQL Database?
  15. M


    Do x10hosting's coorperate plan support vBulletin, cause I want to set it up.
  16. M

    Forum's skin

    I have checked this skin at vbstyle and found out that this version of skin has fluid, but why x10hosting use fix, its quite buggy like now I am posting new topic, the box is larger.
  17. M


    I am wondering if I use coorperate plan, I cant put my adds under everypage right? should ba at the top right?
  18. M

    LOL, see this

    See this, even paid host with $20 / month cant beat the coorperate plan here. EDITED BY Geoff.
  19. M

    New plan

    I thinking that will x10Hosting offer some new free plan Here is one: I don't know whether this is acceptable.
  20. M


    Thanks to x10Hosting, as this is the best free host ever I found. So I am thinking that why dont x10Hosting have a refferal program, which can make members here tell more about this site How to make interest to member? Maybe use points or even dollar. For e.g. $0.10 per sign up at free host &...