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  1. K

    PHP The server is not responding ??

    Hi , so i have a new accont, and when i try to go to phpadmin, i get #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) i was backup my SQL and i uploaded my backup idk if that matter, and i create sql user and in there it show that there my...
  2. K

    Muti-Web ?

    ok so i try to go to phpadmin and it show #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) y ? I was trying to backup ( upload ) the sql i download for backup and it show a page with the data in a long long long page...then there no...
  3. K

    Muti-Web ?

    ok great , if i have question i will psot thanks
  4. K

    Muti-Web ?

    ok i relogin... .. .register... and i don't get a e-mail ? do i need to wait ?
  5. K

    Muti-Web ?

    ok i THINK i download them .... you can delete my hosting accont now can you not delete my forums accont ? because last time you guys did...
  6. K

    Muti-Web ?

    yea that mean i need to stop mine aconnt for a few day....can i not do that?
  7. K

    Muti-Web ?

    ok...then.... but then can you guys change plan for me, because i really really don't want to stop my ads with image, not the words ads the banner ads plz can you do that thanks
  8. K

    Muti-Web ?

    but yes, i know ,but you see if i do that i need to put ads for more space and I think like can i have few freeads accont so i haev space without putting ads... i don't mind to put ads, but now i have a online chat, and like clan war stuff all there, and you guys don't let us to change plans...
  9. K

    Muti-Web ?

    Hi, so i am a clan leader and i have clan in few games, i want to make like 2-3 website for each game but I can only have 1 accont right ? but i want to like have 3 website, not just 1 website that have 3 games can i do that ?
  10. K

    Uploading movie problem?..

    oook... thanks i get it now.
  11. K

    Uploading movie problem?..

    Hi so i made a movie myself, it is long and i awnt to upload it for ppl to see , but when i uploading it stop during the upload, and everytime it stop. and i want to ask is there anyway to stop it from stoping upload can i like cut it half and put it back together back in file manager ? btw...
  12. K

    MY Disk space disappear ?

    OOoOoOoOOoOoo that y thanks
  13. K

    MY Disk space disappear ?

    i don't see it in trash can though
  14. K

    MY Disk space disappear ?

    so i was uploading stuff a zip file and i tried to extract it but it say it not found so i delete it... and when i go to upload there it say i only have 86MB left before i upload i have like 198... y ? will be change back after some time ?
  15. K

    Server State keep offline

    my web keep offline isn't the website online 24/7 ? I went to account management and it say all off line y ?i try to reply on other thead and it won't let me so i started a new thead...ty
  16. K

    Request domain ?

    So i had my domain , but i change it to on the accont panel.. i want the sub domain back how do i do it ? i tried to park it but it say Error from park wrapper: Sorry, subdomains of the hostname cannot be parked.what should i do ?ty
  17. K

    domain question

    so i have domain and i want it to be the same like parked domain but park to but i don;t want it to be just get what i mean ? thanks for helping ^^
  18. K

    error message ?

    it show this Fatal error: SUHOSIN - Use of eval is forbidden by configuration in /home/ksbsm/public_html/forums/global.php(251) : eval()'d code on line 251 when i try to go to my forums, , and i did not edit anything it work yesterday though.... thx
  19. K

    Help with Ajax Chat

    so i got Ajax Chat and i using MyBB for forums, and ajax can work with mybb so i use that but when i download i download this ajax_chat- so i upload it to my file manager and do i suppose to extract it ? i did but it don;t show me any extracted files..... what do i do thx
  20. K

    Hi my forums help

    so have the fourms how do i make it so when i type in go to i DNS the and then i go to cpanel and Redirects it, but when i type in it change to but i want it to...