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  1. K

    Anyone Need a Web Designer?

    Why don't we all create a website that make website for people like freewebs and earn money together? like form a online "company" and work together..
  2. K

    Nvu or Dreamweaver?

    I use Dreamweaver because some times i open quotes and forgot to close them and Dreamweaver will show color
  3. K

    Another photo retouch!

    very nice work, it still look real after changes
  4. K

    making website for people?

    Personal Advertisement Code is like for forums credit? and is Corporate Hosting Package change before it only ads now i have this like highlight words and when mouse on it there a little ads is that normal because it wasn't use to be that..
  5. K

    making website for people?

    um..i try to find where to use credit is it hosting accout or forums accout? where to use credit
  6. K

    making website for people? i get anything for inviting people to use x10hosting :)
  7. K

    making website for people?

    but what if i make free hosting accout for them? like he get a accout and put stuff....but i do it for him?
  8. K

    making website for people?

    is it allow to make website and host it under my accout? and what about ads? do their website need to have ads?
  9. K


    Hi, i have a website that is black and green words bright green words, and i think if the ads have black background it would look better and the words will more show up .. how do i change the ads background i think i somehow change the word but don't know how with...
  10. K

    delete accout

    I want my accout to be deleted, accout is ksclans don't delete forums accout ...just the hosting accout ksclans
  11. K

    Can't go to controll panel?

    when i login to my cpanel, it keep loading and loading and loading, and it only show the top image and the left side bar did not show the main website at all just white why is that? and.. do Advanced PHP Configuration php verison get more CPU ?
  12. K

    Account High server resource usage

    alright, and i have 2 problem one is this high server usage and the other is no ads and it because i don't know how that chat work i just download the pack so i have no problem when no ads if i not going to use chat because of high server can you unsuspended my accout first and i try...
  13. K

    High server resource usage detected

    i GoT suspended, and now not because of High server resource usage detected. and i using Corporate package, which have Bandwidth 45 GB / Month is that mean i use more then that ?? are there packages have more Bandwidth but smaller space ? because i have a chat which people type stuff in to...
  14. K

    Ajax Chat

    Hi, anyone use ajax chat? and i want to know how to put ads to it? at the bottom? anyone know how? thanks
  15. K

    Account High server resource usage

    It WAS suspended by you guys unsuspended it Username: ksclans Reason: High server resource usage detected. Suspension lift on: 03/07/2008 so i think the resource is my chat,, because that the one i use the most.... it made by ajax and do that mean i need...
  16. K

    ads accont

    sooo ?? what am i going to do ?? i post to get this thread up so people can see it....
  17. K

    ads accont

    um... i don't really know what to copy there config , login, logout....the index is link to some code ?... it if you know that package...then... so there are login logout , logs shoutbox, callses config custom....even different language and there a folder name calls...
  18. K

    ads accont

    I want to make sure is it i need to put ads on all PAGES or just homepage if it all pages, then i have a chat , i use a pack to install it, and i try to put down some words it ok, but wheni put down like tags <> it don't work it make the chat don't work too so how am i going to put ads ?
  19. K

    PHP The server is not responding ??

    yse it work now thx
  20. K

    Muti-Web ?

    ok i did it