Search results

  1. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    I heard Diablo 2 was good. How highly do you recommend it? :hahano:
  2. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    Imma have to wait and see if it gets cheaper too. I heard it is very good as well. Seeing as how it runs on the same engine as Oblivion I will definetly have to see it. I love Oblivion, although the intro song does not stick in your heard like the Intro (Theme) song for Zelda: Ocarina of Time...
  3. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    LOL, I know and I can't afford that game. I don't have 15 dollars a month lying around.. sadly. I heard about private servers though, apparently they are free.
  4. phazzedout

    Can anybody tell me some good looking game sites?

    The biggest is but I bet you already knew that. :cool: This one is the one I would use in school and work. It was not blocked by their filter. Many people from school would play this game as well. Take a look at it.
  5. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    I have played it. It was ok but I prefered other MMOs
  6. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    Thank you for your recommendation. Oblivion is awesome. I bought that game twice, once for PC and the other for XBox. I prefer PC in any case. I added some Mods that made the game larger, the mods on the XBox cost like 10 bucks each.
  7. phazzedout

    Fedora vs Ubuntu, what?

    I prefer Ubuntu, easiest to use out of the two you have mentioned. I have also used Knoppix which is also very good, lite, and works well out-of-the-box. Knoppix GUI is a little rough though, looks like I am using a better version of 2000 but it runs well. I have also used Puppy Linux which is...
  8. phazzedout

    My pc fails to start

    Dang barely any info to work on. Well apply the paste, it helps spread the heat. Also tell check what brand and model is your mobo. Check online. Two beeps means something.
  9. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    :nuts: LOL to the person there will always be a best game. During my Nintendo 64 faze I thought Zelda OOT was the best game ever, then I played Conker's and I thought that one was the best game ever. Other can disagree and say Conker's Bad Fur Day is a sad excuse of a game. It is truly up to...
  10. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    I know. I believe I did state that I want personal opinions not professional critiques. I also said my favorite is Oblivion, so I would like a game around that. As for Final Fantasy, I enjoy turn-based... to an extent. Then I get bored. I enjoyed it for the first 2 hours though. Thank you...
  11. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    Awesome! I will get it right away! Thank you! Kudos to you! Edit: You got a kudo of sort from someone. Imma get this one first then Neverwinter Nights.
  12. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    FPS? Bleh. Thank you for the recommedation but I am ok. I never truly enjoyed FPS, even RPG FPS. In any case I already played most of COD games except World at War. They are fun but I mostly enjoy games like Oblivion, Gothic, and Morrowind.
  13. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    *facepalm* I just said my favorite is Oblivion, why go from insanely awesome to unbelievably lame. Sorry but that game is not really good, and it is heavily moderated.
  14. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    I know I have tried WoW, lol but I do not have money to pay monthly. Someone suggested Fallout 3 but I think they erased their post. I will try that. :D
  15. phazzedout

    What is the best RPG game?

    I need opinions not professional critiques from people who analyze little thing. I need to buy a game, any time age, must be PC though. I would like to know what is your favorite RPG game you have ever played. My favorite RPG is Oblivion, anything like this game I would like to see. Online...
  16. phazzedout

    phpBB support?

    DB: phazzedo_phpbb UN: phazzedo_forums Server: ?
  17. phazzedout

    phpBB support?

    Hello, my url is, the problem I am experiencing is on my Now I was wondering if phpBB works in x10hosting. I was trying to configure it. I used all database types and only SQLite would work but then it would fail when I tried using it. Does any one...