He was negative repped.. And MD5 can be reversed, but when he logs in, phpbb will salt the password.. Which makes it harder to crack.. And thanks for the points XColl
If you use browsershots.org, look for "Windows Vista" with your screenshots.. Those are my factories.. :P (I run 2 factories and produce about 1200 screenshots a day)
Nope.. I havent seen Corey at all to ask.. But Chris says that x10 bought the theme from http://www.completevb.com/ and that we might have to buy it to use it.. But idk..
This answer means that the brute force protection has failed to function correctly and likely crashed.. I suggest submitting a ticket or waiting for it to be fixed..
You need to post this in the Free Hosting forum under Community Support.. as for the error, it means that the brute force protection system has stopped working correctly.. If you are still getting that error you need to submit a ticket..
Back on topic, I'm sure you would also be able to install an oekaki script if you wanted to instead of a forum.. I do like forums better though.. And as my first post linked you to.. you can install a forum software (phpbb or smf) inside cPanel by clicking on Fantastico and browsing the left...