Search results

  1. Z


    Re: very How does this help this person. It doesn't. Stop spamming and :gtfo2:
  2. Z

    Wordpress - Commenting leads to 404

    This is likely a settings issue.. Make sure your WordPress settings are all correct..
  3. Z

    Please help -myphpadmin

    Oops.. didn't realize that on line 82.. heh.. Replace line 82 with $add_member = "insert into members values({$_POST['f_name']},{$_POST['s_name']},{$b_date},{$_POST['email']},{password($_POST['password1'])},'10',{CURRENT_DATE()},{$_POST['edtype']},'0',{$_POST['inform']},{$_POST['us']})";
  4. Z

    Google's New Operating System

    *cough*ugly*cough* YOu would think they could make something look better..
  5. Z

    Internet is being stupid, why?

    Maybe charter is blocking opendns?
  6. Z

    CO.CC domain still telling me to "set up domain"

    crampz, Can you read the replies before you post? filiptc already solved this issue..
  7. Z

    Upcoming Free Support Changes

    Does Bob Barker have something to do with this project by any chance?
  8. Z


    I dont think they use Google Apps anymore for email, so they haven't restocked it.. As for the rest, I think they restock them when they have money to give to the community..
  9. Z

    When does this end? "Your hosting account has been suspended by x10Hosting"

    For the record, I don't use the script.. I just made one to see if it would work.. also, I'm NOT posting the script so dont ask..
  10. Z

    Potential way to abuse the system wich is not all that bad of a system so Dont do it

    Re: Potential way to abuse the system wich is not all that bad of a system so Dont do Maybe it would be a good idea to disallow transfers until they make a certain amount of posts?
  11. Z

    Can one search the contents of files for a string?

    Not that I'm aware of..
  12. Z

    10 credits to register

    You guessed right
  13. Z

    Review new portfolio design.

    The text is too big..
  14. Z

    Changed php code but still have question

    Erm... 404 = not found.. make sure it uploaded in the correct place And remove that if that the user above posted.. It would be a security vulnerability..
  15. Z

    Which is the best GNU/Linux Distro? I think is Debian

    Ubuntu is the same as Debian pretty much
  16. Z

    x10 hosting still the best

    Heh.. Welcome to my life.. If you liked my post you can rep me :>
  17. Z

    Count to 1 Million

  18. Z

    game: kill the above user

    killed for not turning off his speakers to conserve power..
  19. Z

    ^>v game

    ^ is an alcoholic > is above the influence v sips too much merlot
  20. Z

    Subject game

    K is for know... (I don't Know wth you just said..)