Search results

  1. Z

    The best forum system?

    I'm for IPB.. The only reason it's my favorite is because of the way it looks and how it functions.. Just as redivy put it, slick. If only I could afford it.. heh
  2. Z

    Wrong E-Mail....

    Corey you may want to edit his emails out of LadyAnna's quote.. Just a suggestion for the benefit of General Ivan
  3. Z

    Fix the Account Panel

    Currently, there are a couple things broken in the account panel. 1. Disk Space Used is broken.. Mine shows 0m out of 500m 2. Modify your account doesn't save your Full Name 3. Priority Support Button redirects you to the inactivity timer forum subscription.
  4. Z

    PHP Login code integrating help....

    Captcha system implemented.. The User system would take time.. Unfortunately I do not have that kind of time atm.. If I get some time I will implement it.. I would need phpmyadmin access for this though..
  5. Z

    PHP Login code integrating help....

    How about a captcha system instead of email verification? There is a User Control Panel.. But just to edit your own account..
  6. Z

    PHP Login code integrating help....

    Well.. If you need something else just ask.. All I want in return is Rep and/or donation of credits..
  7. Z

    PHP Login code integrating help....

    Well.. The site is all fixed up.. Feel free to check it out. rufussweetwater check your pm's for more info..
  8. Z

    PHP Login code integrating help....

    Check your PM's for my reply. It seems you didn't place my user in the correct directory..
  9. Z

    Outgoing e-mail

    At least you bothered to search.. Most people don't care to.. In the future try using "smtp" in your searches for outgoing mail.. That should help out better.
  10. Z

    Learn PhHP for dummies

    A good tutorial for beginners is
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    Changing Domain Root of a Parked Domain

    Yes remove the Parked domain and readd it to Addon Domains
  12. Z

    Outgoing e-mail

    I wish people would stop making new topics for email problems when it's the same exact issue.. Right now, SMTP on Free Servers are broken.. which means there is no outgoing mail..
  13. Z

    is it possible?

    So if you developed these brushes, stocks, and renders then the answer is yes..
  14. Z

    [REQ] [100 + 100] Simple Linux / Mac testing

    What mac user is going to go through the trouble to install Mono just to play a game..
  15. Z

    Linux Setup

    I suggest Debian or CentOS if your going to run a server
  16. Z

    PHP Login code integrating help....

    nice doublepost.. Let me quote myself..
  17. Z

    PHP Login code integrating help....

    the main page of your site has to be index.php instead of index.html.. It's a quick switchover if you know what your doing..
  18. Z

    Changing Domain Root of a Parked Domain

    Then you need to park it as an Addon Domain.
  19. Z

    PHP Login code integrating help....

    Off Topic: Nice spelling on Community..
  20. Z

    Free software tomorrow, July 20th!

    EDIT: Free Software Today Only! July 20th, 2009 On Monday, July 20th, 2009, it is the 40th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing! Carina Software is giving out download-only versions of SkyGazer for Mac OS X (maybe Windows too) on their website. Carina Software is also giving out...