Search results

  1. Jesse

    Best Linux Distribution

    Ubuntu for Desktop, CentOS for Server software, for me :P
  2. Jesse

    (250 points)AWESOME LOGO PICS

    I'll get it. :)
  3. Jesse

    HTML Template integrate to a script

    Nevermind the offer. Got a friend to help me get it integrated. Anyway.. Thanks.
  4. Jesse

    HTML Template integrate to a script

    I'm willing to give out all my x10hosting credits for someone who can integrate this html template I created and coded onto the x10media mp3 script found in my site - I'm also willing to arrange up some additional payments if the job has been done well, like domain or something i...
  5. Jesse

    Funny Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates :)

    Lool. Haha funny.
  6. Jesse

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    I now use Windows 7 Ultimate :D Was using Vista Ultimate before, it was so slow and buggy.
  7. Jesse

    Who is your domain registrar?

    I've been with Dynadot, they are great. But now currently, im with
  8. Jesse - Free Image Hosting UP TO 10MB PER FILE!

    Wow Good site. I love it.
  9. Jesse

    Count to 200

  10. Jesse

    Oh, why my CPU usage is going so high

    I agree with leviathon. Before I was having a slow PC, due to the cpu is overheating. All i did was to buy a new cpu fan, and prob a thermal paste, and used it. That fixed it.
  11. Jesse

    Review Free online Games site

    Yah, I hate Comics Sans MS fonts being used on websites xP Kinda does not look good. You might probably try a better one such as Verdana or Tahoma? :)
  12. Jesse

    What type of server managment software do you use?

    I've basically already used cPanel, Plesk, LxAdmin, DirectAdmin, and Webmin.. But not yet Ensim and Hsphere - I never heard of them :P
  13. Jesse


    Glad you decided to choose x10Hosting. :) Welcome, enjoy your stay with us.
  14. Jesse

    Oh, why my CPU usage is going so high

    Uhmm, how about maybe your computer's CPU is not going beyond the normal temperature, therefore causing a high CPU usage? You might probably check out your CPU Fans.
  15. Jesse

    Text Translate Script using Google

    I need help. This code was working but suddenly stopped one day. The website where script is being used :: Anyone knows how to fix this? This is the contents of translate.php <?php function getstring($a,$b,$c){ $y = explode($b,$a); $x = explode($c,$y[1]); return...
  16. Jesse

    My Most Recent Creations

    I pretty much like the homepage you've done. Clean and Professional look. :)
  17. Jesse


    Hi tusharag, Welcome to x10Hosting. Enjoy your stay with us. :)
  18. Jesse

    Count to 200

  19. Jesse


    Lol, never had an interest on playing Travian... Is really that addicting? Haha. I used to play Runescape, and MU Online Philippines before. That was the time I was really addicted to them. Whenever I got home back from school, most probably i would open up my pc and play those games. Lol...
  20. Jesse

    WHat the world thinks of internet explorer

    ROFL. Never seen this before. Haha. Pretty Funny. Lol.