Search results

  1. Jesse

    Windows 7...

    I Have Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit Yeah it's legit. So far I'm Loving it! :) Pretty much similar to vista but BETTER than Vista. Hehe. Windows 7 is much stable and faster than Vista.. So i guess if you're planning to buy a Genuine OS, it would be worth it. Than buying a buggy legit vista...
  2. Jesse

    Anyone have seen the movie "Fireproof"?

    Hey guys, anyone here have seen the movie Fireproof? It's so nice! hehehe. So Very Inspirational! Husband's and wife's should watch the movie. :biggrin: Check out my blog post about it here,
  3. Jesse

    Google Wave

    Thanks for the link. gonna check that out. hehe.
  4. Jesse

    Yahoo! Meme - Anyone knows it?

    Hmm... Interesting... Lol.
  5. Jesse

    Yahoo! Meme - Anyone knows it?

    Btw, what does the word "Meme" means? lol.
  6. Jesse


    Heya, welcome to x10Hosting :)
  7. Jesse

    Yahoo! Meme - Anyone knows it?

    Anyone here knows about Yahoo! Meme? It's a similar service from Yahoo, it's like twitter. hehe. Read more about Meme, here: You can also get invites there. Just post a comment. ^_^ Thanks.
  8. Jesse

    Cheap Microsoft software for students - Not Spam :-P

    Pretty cool site. hehe. Gonna check that out.
  9. Jesse

    Xbox or Playstation 3?

    Go for Playstation 3. It's much better than Xbox. That's my opinion of course... lol. hehe.
  10. Jesse

    Computer Knowledge Survey

    Done. Answered your survey ;-)
  11. Jesse

    Best Fighter Plane

    I think C. ? Lol. i dunno anything about fighter planes. hehe.
  12. Jesse

    What do you think?

    Pretty good. But it seems to be the site layout extends on the right, which i think cause of it is that the layout is too big.
  13. Jesse

    Best Apple iPhone Gadgets 2009

    Pretty cool! Wish i had an iPhone. lol.
  14. Jesse

    Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

    If i give someone the FTP Access, can you fix it for me? i'll pay you with x10credits or something.
  15. Jesse

    Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

    Nope. I have the " } " ending tag.
  16. Jesse

    Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

    Hey guys i need help. How to fix this? Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in / on line 53 Here is the code on the line 53:<?php foreach ($results as $result) { ?>
  17. Jesse


    Lol i haven't visited Miniclip for years... after seeing this thread. I've finally visited it again. lol. Quite nothing that much has changed. No new look. lol
  18. Jesse

    x10 gui changes

    Yeah very true. a lot has change on x10Hosting
  19. Jesse

    Website Design for Credits

    Hello guys, I need some new design for my new site: If you can design one and submit me some screenies of ur concept. Also if you can possible code it into the site I might like it and give you around 5k credits or probably all my credits. ;)
  20. Jesse

    Jesse Manalansan - behind the World Wide Web

    Hey just installed a new theme on the blog. lol. Btw, maybe you guys can comment on some articles ^^ thanks.