Search results

  1. firesteel

    2 "virginia techs" in 1 year in Finland

    Smith6612, I am pretty certain vigge_sWe was referring to the recent school/college/university shootings that have occurred in Finland. The latest was this past Tuesday at the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences in Kauhajoki, Finland. 10 dead: 8 female students. 1 male student. 1 male...
  2. firesteel

    Web Server Advice.

    It doesn't get much smaller or simpler than this: The Siteplayer development kit. Quickstart page is here: Looks like fun!
  3. firesteel

    How much server did you crash?

    Production servers should never crash. Now with that being said, the truth is sometimes they do, regardless of architecture or OS. Well, I take that back, none of our big iron machines running Z/OS or OS/390 have ever crashed, at least in my years here. Anyway, critical non redundant hardware...
  4. firesteel

    OEM Vista

    A purchased OEM version of Windows Vista would run just as if the the laptop dealer had installed it. The version of Vista you buy, determines the "toys" you get to play with. For most users, Vista Home is enough, it provides DX10 for games, and a familiar user interface. If "eye candy", the...
  5. firesteel

    WHich is the best Antivirus

    BTW, for those users of Avira Antivir Personal (Free Version) who are annoyed by the splash screen at start up, the info from Avira's FAQ shows how this can be disabled: When I came across this while using the free version, Avira jumped...
  6. firesteel

    NetVista FRU 49P4384... Help needed!

    IBM's Hardware Maintenance Manual for your MB is located here: Pages 105 and 106 of the .pdf have the information you need.
  7. firesteel

    What is better and more effecient the direct x series or the OpenGl series

    Well, I offered my opinion based on my limited experience with both API's. One seems to be preferred for professional graphics rendering, and the other for game rendering. Two API's and 2 different schools of thought, with each possibly better suited for certain tasks and applications. My...
  8. firesteel

    Big problem

    Wizet? How did you handle today? I would think several of us would be interested in your welfare.
  9. firesteel

    What is better and more effecient the direct x series or the OpenGl series

    I voted for OpenGL, primarily because it is an open standard API, portable across multiple operating systems. DirectX is Microsoft's proprietary API, and obviously available only on Windows platforms. I have no idea which API is more efficient, but I am aware that OpenGL is more often used in...
  10. firesteel

    Big problem

    I can certainly understand your concerns. Being a parent myself, I've dealt with similar situations with my children, who also had fears about embarrassment at school. Parent's understand more than you think when it comes to life's problems, school, and peers. I still believe your parents are...
  11. firesteel

    Big problem

    Wizet, If you are genuinely concerned about attending school tomorrow, perhaps sharing your fears with your parents would be a good idea. Don't sell your Mom and Dad short, you might be surprised how understanding they can be at times like this. Give them a chance to help, that's what they're...
  12. firesteel

    What is the Best AntiVirus?

    I feel your research has overlooked one of the finest (if not the finest) antivirus applications, Avira Antivir. Avira's product has wickedly good virus, trojan, and worm detection and removal, rootkit detection and removal, and few, if any false positives. It also has a fast on demand scan...
  13. firesteel

    Which adds-on do you like best?

    Adblock Plus (with EasyElement and EasyList filter subscriptions), ColorfulTabs, and Web of Trust (WOT). Adblock Plus and WOT certainly make web browsing a much more enjoyable and safer experience with Firefox. Both are must haves in my book. ColorfulTabs is strictly for the eye candy. :)...
  14. firesteel

    What Antivirus do you prefere??

    Avira AntiVir Premium. IMHO, one of the best antivirus programs ever released. Light on resources, heavy on keeping the bad stuff out. There's also a free personal version available for download. A brief...
  15. firesteel

    Some1 knows an add-on to play .mov files?

    The HTML in the example tells the browser where to get the plugin, assuming Quicktime is not already installed. <EMBED SRC="" WIDTH=240 HEIGHT = 196 AUTOPLAY=true CONTROLLER=true LOOP=false PLUGINSPAGE=">
  16. firesteel

    Uninstalling IE8

    Windows Vista also allows removal of older IE betas via Control Panel: Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > Installed Updates I'nm ot certain about Windows XP (no PC laying around with XP installed), but I would imagine it's under: Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs >...
  17. firesteel

    Hard Drive full

    Freeware CCleaner (formerly known as Cr*p Cleaner) is terrific for disk cleanup. It'll safely remove the cruft that builds up over many months of PC usage. CCleaner comes with a registry optimization function as well. I run it about once a month, It's an amazingly good (and safe) disk...
  18. firesteel


    vim > notepad :biggrin: vim has support for pattern matching, regular expressions, syntax highlighting, you name it! Can also be fully customized to your liking And it's FAST!!! But don't go looking for this gem in your c:\windows\system32 directory, it's a Linux/UNIX command line app...
  19. firesteel

    Some1 knows an add-on to play .mov files?

    Embedding a Quicktime .mov to a webpage is pretty straightforward. No add-on or plug-in is required, just some relatively simple HTML. The following website has several examples: When in doubt, Google is your friend. :)
  20. firesteel

    Iframes browser support

    Very nice link Scoochi2. That's definitely a keeper and one for the bookmarks, thanks!