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  1. garrettroyce

    Happy birthday AdamParkzer!

    X10's most helpful volunteer's birthday is today! W00t w00t! :biggrin:
  2. garrettroyce

    48 core processor

    So yeah, I thought this needed to be shared:
  3. garrettroyce

    Epic Upgrade

    You won't have the pleasure of my company for a few hours. Enjoy it while it lasts :biggrin:
  4. garrettroyce

    X10 has over 4000 members!

    So, I was busy posting in another thread and I realized that below the box in which I was typing was a 'similar threads' box with this post showing up: I don't know how to check my number, but I'm probably somewhere in...
  5. garrettroyce

    Suspend the site of the person above you!

    I thought of a new game! You suspend the site of the person above you. Of course, you'll have to put your site in your signature/post if you haven't already :D It's a great way to get site reviews, page hits, AND have fun! If you're a lame-o and don't have a site or don't want to post it, you...
  6. garrettroyce

    Omf i lit myself on fire!!!!!!!!!

    I need help!
  7. garrettroyce

    2k posts!

    Yeah, put that in your pipe and smoke it! :laugh:
  8. garrettroyce

    ***!!!Anyone with "Error errf47025" Readme!!!***

    This issue has been resolved. Anyone who received this error MUST SIGN UP AGAIN After re-signing up, your account creation will proceed normally within approximately 24-36 hours.
  9. garrettroyce

    The worst website that has ever existed ever For more, check this out:
  10. garrettroyce

    1700th post party

    Idk, everyone else is having a party, why can't I?
  11. garrettroyce


    Anyone else notice all of X10 was dead for a while here? I'm thinking it has to do with this: But I thought it'd be fun to take bets before Corey comes on and lets us know what tried to kill X10 today.
  12. garrettroyce

    Deputy Moderator Idea

    I know right now the staff are overloaded with a gazillion tickets and server maintenance and there's more than a few members who want to step up and help. I don't know if the system that X10 uses allows this, but here's my idea: A few of the members who submitted mod applications could be...
  13. garrettroyce

    [3000+ credits] XHTML/CSS templates and logo

    I'm in need of an XHTML/CSS template for a forum. This is my own forum software, so you have zero constraints except for those I explicitly post here. Note that there are three distinctly different offers here. Also note that the offer prices are at least what I put. If you think you have...
  14. garrettroyce

    Should regular users be able to post in "announcements" thread?

    I thought I'd try to move the conversation here, lest we start getting hypocritical ;) I know this is possible. The old "free hosting support" forum used to be staff only replies. A user could start a new thread, and reply to that thread only, but not other's threads, though all threads were...
  15. garrettroyce

    !!!***Read this if you have missing files!!!***!!!

    There's a lot of people with a lot of questions on what's happening to X10 right now. I hope that this helps. For those of you who don't know what's going on right now, Corey is doing some work on the servers. Long story short, X10's servers need to be upgraded for X10 to continue to work...
  16. garrettroyce

    Congratulations, LadyAnna!

    LadyAnna is one of our new Account Managers! :biggrin:
  17. garrettroyce

    1,000th post!

    Just thought I'd share :biggrin:
  18. garrettroyce

    PHP 5 OOP Destructors (yuck)

    This code: <?php abstract class a { public function __construct () { echo 'constructing ', __CLASS__, '<br/>'; } public function __destruct() { echo 'destructing ', __CLASS__, '<br/>'; } } class b extends a { public function __construct() { echo...
  19. garrettroyce

    "MUST HAVES" for forum software

    Long story short - I've lost my mind and decided I need to program my own PHP forum software. :nuts: What features would you want to see in it? Anything goes! Something you've seen before, or just thought of, or is completely impossible, let me know! ;)
  20. garrettroyce

    MAJOR spam!

    I just realized I made 200 posts in 12 days :eek4::eek4::eek4: :nuts::nuts::nuts: