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  1. DIGI_Byte

    autodesk maya

    Gmax is OLD school, limited, and an unstable POS, I highly recomend moving ot new software. If your into modeling for games and mods, I highly recomend Softimage XSI mod tool, the interface is different and there are some differences between how every software works but its the way to go. if...
  2. DIGI_Byte

    World's Worst Web Designs

    I think that infringes some copyright issues:dunno:, I dont think EA would approve of that, I wouldnt anyhow, but then again EA are like that sometimes.
  3. DIGI_Byte

    Please give me credits or donate money to me via my user for paypal is...

    Please give me credits or donate money to me via my user for paypal is
  4. DIGI_Byte

    wallpapers for 1440 x 900 resolution

    If your any good with photoshop or similar software you could crop the top and bottom and scale it up and sharpen the image slightly to clean up any blurring or scale it down and touch up the edges.
  5. DIGI_Byte

    Domain names

    thank you, i dont suppose you could give a warning or some incentive on the control bar for other users that it must be an existing one? EDIT: All the server files seam to be back, re-uploading my temporary website (its still under development)
  6. DIGI_Byte

    Domain names

    I Recently discovered the option "Check if using your own domain name" I entered my desired domain name, Does this automatically change my servers address from to the new one? Or do i hafto of purchased this domain name or registered it previously? I can't use my login...
  7. DIGI_Byte

    my potfolio..

    I'm working on a site for a gaming clan, it wouldn't pay but if your interested pm me i suppose. Its been in development for a little while but im just lost on what to do with the databse. But im asking if you'd like to help out with the websites layout and/or graphics if that...
  8. DIGI_Byte

    autodesk maya

    I believe it was just a play around thing, you know more or less a test to see what you can do in the software. Personally I think its a sphere or water and it can glow.
  9. DIGI_Byte

    How is my css?

    filling pages with content can be a hard task not just for personal ones, but groups or small communities can also have some trouble filling a page with suitable information.
  10. DIGI_Byte

    autodesk maya

    He doesnt appear to have a low poly count it appears to be turbo smoothed or possibly nurbs or simply noise on a sphere, as it seams to have a watery look to it. (I use 3ds max aswell)
  11. DIGI_Byte

    Some of my designs

    They seam alright although i would suggest cutting down on gradients, They can be distracting when browsing a webpage. Try incorporating some colors to break the pages up and this also help regions to not 'Wash' together.
  12. DIGI_Byte

    my potfolio..

    You do some Very nice work, You seem to be a skilled graphic designer as well.
  13. DIGI_Byte

    World's Worst Web Designs

    Ahhh they bleed. there all pretty bad, even the police one allthough its not horrible like the others. I still don't get how the hospital administrators would approve of that website though. Personally I think it was designed by the bosses 10 yr old child how ever...
  14. DIGI_Byte

    Review my signature!

    looks alright, did you have any inspiration on its design?
  15. DIGI_Byte

    CUU - FPS clan Development Thread

    The purpose of this thread Is for the discussion and anything related to the development of CUU is a gaming clan where we will have events and competitions to members in HL2:DM and other multiplayer games Developed by Valve, I'm going to be installing a Content...
  16. DIGI_Byte

    CUU - website discussion

    The purpose of this thread Is for the disscussion and ANYthing related to CUU is a gaming clan where we will have events and competitions to members in HL2:DM and other multiplayer games Developed by Valve, Im going to be installing a Content management system called "CMS...