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    phpBB Information

    i take it that this thread is gonna be closed since the sites back
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    Changing ports in XAMPP CP and making it work.

    if ur talking about changing the ports for apache u need to go inside the directory of xampp and look for httpd.conf that file is in xampp\apache\conf
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    phpBB Information

    looks a very good reason y all sites should have upgraded their software security
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    Preferred Support Method

    i still prefer the forums bc most of the members will repy more on it then the support tickets. besides its alot fun to help out
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    Users stealing credits..

    well its more better if those thefs get IP Banned. that way you wont have to worry yourself about it
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    Windows VPSs?

    i agree with wize id try it out first and if it turns out really good then will buy it
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    More Updates!

    now this is what i call x10hosting Version 3.0
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    i also agree and i pledge to not leave this great hosting company nor this great community. i pledge to help make this community larger and stronger. i want x10 to grow and be the very best. it doesnt matter if server stability can make issues on us. as long as there is a great community to...
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    COnnection Error

    thats what i tried and it still didnt work the following plugins did upload fine the other plugin wouldnt uploaded to joomla for some reason. and it only displayed that error frome above my post. that...
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    COnnection Error

    hello during the installation of Community Builder i get this error message from the browser : Connection Interrupted The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The...
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    Rule Reminder \ Upcoming Rule Changes

    does that mean we can use our points to buy it or does this still need paypal ?
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    Japan-World Beta Launch

    the site used to have 100 bots to make the site look as if registerd thats y i am trying to get some traffic. also TP1007 and soki could you please give me ur aim so that i may contact you. u can also contact me privately anytime in the x10hosting forums
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    Japan-World Beta Launch

    what links do you got for me to see ?
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    Latest Updates

    happy new year all
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    Japan-World Beta Launch

    alright guys im looking for the following staff Coders Administrators Moderators Global Moderators i am also looking for users to come and register and have some quality time on my website if you are looking to apply you will need to have expereince in the following: Coding in...
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    Changes \ Information

    but ya i have to agree its something in the cpanel software and apache itself
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    Japan-World Beta Launch

    alright guys im looking for the following staff Coders Administrators Moderators Global Moderators i am also looking for users to come and register and have some quality time on my website if you are looking to apply you will need to have expereince in the following: Coding in Joomla Coding...
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    i would like for everyone to review my website again. the website is i currently use the following software and tempelates : Joomla 1.5.8 ( purity theme) Community Builder 1.2RC4 phpBB3.0.3 ( purity theme ) uddIM Jfusion 1.0.8 the site is using the...
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    Japan-World Beta Launch

    hi guys my new website has been launched as a beta go to and come have some fun with me Edit: anyone willing to come and join
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    Looking for staff

    bump and double bump