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    well the forums are using the same theme. i only made purity as the default, then copied the code to prosilver. the forum is at . the reason there is only 2 news items is bc i do not have a way to cross post phpbb posts at the moment and i am waiting on...
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    my site is about japanesse media including reviews , access to anime , manga and many more feel free to give me some criticism or anything that well encourage me to improve my website. if you would like to remain on my site please consider joining and ill...
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    Things We're Working On

    its not easy when ur upgrading all the servers corey. and keep us informed caues we love you:biggthump:biggrin:
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    Looking for staff

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    New Feature Update

    thats what i was gonna say bc i wana sell v.i.p access to premimum downloads
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    Looking for staff

    hello. i am wondering if theres anybody here willing to help me out ? i am looking for the following staff Administrators Moderators Global Moderators News Writers Web designers Joomla and phpBB exprience would be appreciated if you would like to contact me click on my aim/yahoo/msn or use...
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    New Feature Update

    hehe this might come in handy for me to sell v.i.p passes on my forum
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    New Support Help Desk

    would you guys be using the live support by any chance on the new helpdesk ?
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    Changes, Pre Launch

    what will also happen to irc support ?
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    Changes, Pre Launch

    so does this mean all forums relating to free hosting will be deleted and transfered to kayako ?
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    Changes to ad-free \ ad-enhanced

    will ad enhanced accounts get upgrades as well ?
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    x10 Rewards Returning Soon

    id rather see them sell us one of those items that lets u rid of your self from having to log in every 2 weeks. but if you have firefox saved the password its almost as if you dont need it.
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    Microsoft goes over the clouds with Azure

    well yea since the launch of vista in 2007 ppl were complaining about how drivers for vista was buggy and back then nvidia was releasing beta drivers for vista and now microsoft announces the next version of windows is almost like what they did when they launched windows me as a joke OS
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    Microsoft goes over the clouds with Azure

    its alot more important that they get serious on if the next version of windows was the real deal and that it will improve on what vista doesnt have.
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    Issue with IE & Slow Computer

    alright let me get to the point i have recently used the recovery option in my HP PC to reinstall Media center SP2 but after i reformatted and did this. i started to get slow response from my computer and every 5 min IE would open to a chinese website and it would cause my computer to respond...
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    Windows 7(Vienna)

    well google windows 7
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    Windows 7(Vienna)

    but think of the postive side. when nvidia releasd the 9800 gx2 they said that all the games will uses dx10 and if you wanted to 3 way or more u needed vista. dx10 is gonna show exactly why its becoming more better than dx9 and when u use it on aero the whole interface will have a glass effect...
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    OEM Vista

    the real deal is that if you did get an OEM vista id go for the ultimate as much of home premium is the equivalent to XP media Center edition. with ultimate however u get access to language packs , and xtras plus it has everything from home premium Edit: here is a link to the OEM copy on new...
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    What is better and more effecient the direct x series or the OpenGl series

    it depends on a users choice but when it comes to gaming i think direct x is alot more better for gamers since most games now take avantage of it. for example FSX from microsoft uses dx10 to render the graphics of most airplanes and airports but you would have to pay a price to render them at...
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    NetVista FRU 49P4384... Help needed!

    here is a link to the ibm / lenovo website. they have all the info for old machines and new from ibm especially for your machine...