Search results

  1. psgalaxy91

    what type of ram does everyone have/suggest?

    I'm on my really bad school-loaned HP tablet, which has 512 mb of RAM. (it SUCKS) You should probably have 1 GB at the very minimum, 2GB is better. But all the ram in the world won't help if you have a junk processor.
  2. psgalaxy91

    Virtual OS on Flash Drive?!

    I beleive there is something called "Mac-on-a-Stick", I remember reading about it somewhere but I don't remember anything...
  3. psgalaxy91

    Windows 7(Vienna)

    I' don't know much about Windows 7... but I really would have to use a keyboard and mouse over a microphone. And don't bash Vista, it wasn't that bad. If you hate it so much go build your own OS.
  4. psgalaxy91

    Internet Explorer Vs. FireFox

    I've tried them both, they both do the basic functions you'd need. But I'd have to say Internet Explorer is better, because it is like the universal web browser. Everything works on it. I don't see what FireFox has over it.
  5. psgalaxy91

    Chrome launched by Google

    I didn't like Chrome that much... Internet Explorer works with everything, so it's the best (in my opinion)
  6. psgalaxy91


    I don't belive there is any such thing as Karma. I think everything is coincidince, things always happen, but people want to find an excuse for it, or reason or something.
  7. psgalaxy91

    Microsoft vs. The World

    Why do most people loathe Microsoft? They say their products don't work, bash Vista, and pretty much blame them for their computer problems. I'm not saying apple sucks or anything, but Microsoft doesn't suck either. -.- It's usually operator error when someone can't get something to work, but...
  8. psgalaxy91

    I found it on google images and searched Metroid, it's the very first result I think... But...

    I found it on google images and searched Metroid, it's the very first result I think... But anyway I'm changing it now. ^_^
  9. psgalaxy91

    Lets Settle This Once and For All, What Came first the chicken or the egg?

    Really, this doesn't matter and has absolutely no effect on any of our lives, and is a huge waste of time debating it. But if we must debate, I say the CHICKEN, although I have absolutely no proof or anything to back it up. =D
  10. psgalaxy91


    I play RuneScape, and I created the soon-to-be most powerful clan in it! o.O I'm level 93 now. =D You guys give up too easily... quitting when you're only lv 50? And getting killed in the game isn't a good reason to quit either. And your account hacking *usually* only happens to idiots...
  11. psgalaxy91

    Little Boy and Politics

    Sorry to burst your bubble... but I find that joke lame. :x
  12. psgalaxy91

    McCAIN Vs. Obama

    I should be president - your new commander in chief, Commander Galaxy!!! Muahahahaha...
  13. psgalaxy91

    Runescape HD is out!!!

    RuneScape is getting better. And for all those noobs who can't live without pking, new pking worlds are coming out where you can kill all you want anywhere, including lumbridge and back in the wilderness. So w00t.
  14. psgalaxy91

    Best 5 MMORPG's

    *cough* RuneScape *cough* RS is getting better and better - it looks good in the new hd. =D
  15. psgalaxy91

    SMF Forum not working...

    My SMF forum was working fine until about 10 minutes ago. :eek4: I didn't change anything, but now there's a white screen coming up for the forums. The rest of my site works fine. I'm on Cossacks BTW. I'll post back if anything changes.
  16. psgalaxy91

    What's your favourite RPG?

    RuneScape!!! Mwahahaha!!! Can't wait for the graphic update - coming early July w00t!
  17. psgalaxy91

    Show off your online gaming profiles.

    Check out my Xfire miniprofile. :o!!!!!! (It's in my sig)
  18. psgalaxy91

    White Screen on SMF

    My SMF forum always worked fine until about a week ago, when I accidently messed it up. :biggrin: But I had a backup and set it up. The thing is, now when I first go to the forum or someone's profile info, it shows a blank white screen. This doesn't always happen, sometimes it works fine...
  19. psgalaxy91


    I have a RuneScape clan - Team Falcon!!! Mwahahahhaha! You can join if you want - my site is I'm currently level 82 in RS,
  20. psgalaxy91

    Great News!!!

    I have a RuneScape clan if you want to join. And it's about time for some new RS graphics.