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  1. Salvatos

    Cron Jobs

    Don't you get any error? If the cron job does not work, it's supposed to send you an error e-mail. If it doesn't, you should consider revising your script itself.
  2. Salvatos

    [OFF][20-50 credits]Give me a suggestion

    Wow thanks! I just found another one (no need for credits though ;) ) in your table generator (advanced), when viewing the result code: « <td algin="center"... » and the table's attributes are separated by two spaces (which is less of a concern I guess). And while I'm at it (but I do it...
  3. Salvatos

    [OFF][20-50 credits]Give me a suggestion

    Many thanks and by the way, I just noticed this: "ExchangeCore &raquo; Webmaster Tools" at the top of your page. I'm using IE 7 on Windows XP if that's useful to know.
  4. Salvatos

    Image checkbox

    Edit: I'm not a pro so maybe you want to make a copy of your files before testing my suggestions ;) Okay, then... I don't like to give too much of my own advice on Scopey's code but I think you could use this and edit a bit if it doesn't seem to suit your case. Explanations to follow...
  5. Salvatos

    Image checkbox

    When you say "next page", do you mean that you want to replace this if($_POST['box1'] == 1){ print "Box 1 was ticked"; } By the image?
  6. Salvatos

    Cron Jobs

    I'm not particularly "good at cron jobs" but I'm using this line for the very same purpose as you. Yours should be this: "php -q /home/fierce/local/bin/php turns.php" Except that a space in a file name is probably not a good idea, you may want to place an underscore "_" instead (unless you...
  7. Salvatos

    Image checkbox

    Sure that should be easy. I've not gone through your whole discussion but from what I remember correctly, the logic in my opinion would be this. After $box1 = stripslashes($box1); $box2 = stripslashes($box2); Add if ($box1 == "1") { // If the box is ticked $box1 = "<img...
  8. Salvatos

    [REQ][1500+ Cr] Web Name

    Re: [REQ][500+ Cr] Web Name is available as well, and are all available as well. Would be a a bit easier if you have any clues about your website's layout, design, approach, etc. ;) I...
  9. Salvatos

    Change the image text

    What I have just used on my own website is making a DIV (or other element) a clickable link. I personally applied that technique to a table row, so my entire table became clickable. You could do the same and put your info into the clickable row instead of making an image out of it. Here's a...