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  1. Salvatos

    New to PHP and very confused...

    Are you kidding me? Damned browsers! What kind of behavior can it cause? And do you know on which browsers? Edit: I can't really avoid line-wrap anyway when I have hundreds of lines of code inside one...
  2. Salvatos

    PHP Source Code

    Yep, that bloody time is always somewhere else, or so it seems... I wish I knew how to use cookies, though (not cookie dough XD). I'm grateful that I can rely on phpBB's login and session systems, since it allows me to skip the auto-login and preferences saving processes. But someday it would...
  3. Salvatos

    Check your CSS, all your pages except Home are left aligned and the main table is messed up: the tabs are out of it and the bottom is repeated.
  4. Salvatos

    Verbalize Me

    Oh, I think I know what he means. Your logo/banner is a png. Some browsers don't support transparency in png yet (IE 6 didn't and for some reason some users haven't switched to IE 7 yet), so you may want to make it a gif.
  5. Salvatos

    Image checkbox

    Hum okay I didn't know you had 200 of them. I'll try to come up with something, but it might not be for today as I'm pretty busy.
  6. Salvatos

    Image checkbox

    Hm depends, what is the problem you get with this one and want to avoid?
  7. Salvatos

    PHP, MySQL, and resources

    Oh it actually looks a lot like what I'm doing. I got the idea from phpBB's database. They have a poll table holding which user has voted for which poll with which option, looks like this: user_id | poll_id | vote ......5...... | .....2..... | ...1... So I use the same for my inventory and...
  8. Salvatos

    EarnedMoney, review site please.

    The "Mail (will not be published)" shouldn't be justified but left aligned.
  9. Salvatos

    Strife. (Amazing Graphic.)

    I love the way the lines are fading in and out :)
  10. Salvatos

    Cron Jobs

    I'm not really comfortable with going into someone else's cPanel but I guess I could have a look during the weekend. But please check first with a moderator if it's allowed, because I think it is not and I don't want the both of us to get suspended...
  11. Salvatos

    PHP Source Code

    Well I have nothing against open source forums though, usually you can find one that corresponds to what you need, and making a forum by yourself seems quite a bit more difficult to me than a website. But I don't like the CMSes that do (or try to do) everything for you. Also thanks for your...
  12. Salvatos

    Image checkbox

    I'm gonna post only the end of the code since it's the part concerned. Should be as simple as this: <?php // Create local PHP variables from the info the user gave in the Flash form -disabled message field $box1 = $_POST['box1']; $box2 = $_POST['box2']; // Strip slashes on the Local...
  13. Salvatos

    PHP Source Code

    Lol! Well, you see, it's like blog sites. Very few people know even the basics of webmastering, compared to the huge amounts of people who want a website. Using a CMS is like being a client telling to a webmaster "I want this and that on my site, now do it". And since you're not paying him you...
  14. Salvatos

    STUDENT - Javascript problem

    That Calculate button is still doing nothing though ;)
  15. Salvatos

    PHP, MySQL, and resources

    PHP sessions... Why didn't I just think about that way earlier ^^' With this I won't need to store any information, the basics are already in place (skill info, which skills each player has, etc.). Though you got me curious and Google doesn't seem to have an easy answer - what are weak link...
  16. Salvatos

    Battle of the free forum softwares!

    I vote for phpBB 2 because it won't be updated anymore XD On a more general note, I like phpBB because of its structure and the huge number of MODs you can add quite easily to your forum. The functionality has always seemed to correspond exactly to my needs, with sometimes the help of a MOD...
  17. Salvatos

    STUDENT - Javascript problem

    Watch the space on this line: document.form1.sum.value=(document.form1.swim.valu e)* 275/1600; Also "How many kilo's have you lost?" would be "How many kilos have you lost?" and you don't really need to close that first font tag since you're opening an identical one right after. Now about...
  18. Salvatos

    PHP Source Code

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are still confusing CMSes with software like DreamWeaver. As far as I know, DW just helps bring code together. But content management systems are the like of PHP-Nuke, WordPress and Joomla!. They are fully built websites that allow you certain...
  19. Salvatos

    PHP, MySQL, and resources

    Your method may make things a bit complicated because of the way I work, but I'll definitely take it into consideration; it's a clever trick that can turn in useful later even if I do not use it for this in particular. Thanks! If others have ideas, please go ahead...
  20. Salvatos

    PHP, MySQL, and resources

    Hello As some may remember, I am making a PHP RPG. I am currently about to add a complete skill system to allow special attacks during battles. While I had already implemented a few special attacks, I need to make a standard and complete system to manage them all. I know pretty much how I want...