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  1. Salvatos

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    Other than my personal webpage that is pretty much done and to which I only add content now and then, I am making a role-playing game, turn based and set in a medieval-fantasy world I created and which I am also using to write a novel. Wouldn't serve any purpose to post the link here as it's in...
  2. Salvatos

    New site!

    In includes/page_header.php, you can probably find something similar to 'U_INDEX' => append_sid('index.'.$phpEx) Changing it to ('../index.'.$phpEx) should do the trick I think. That is if you have phpBB 2.x, otherwise I don't know if they do it the same in version 3. Feel free to PM me...
  3. Salvatos

    Make Login Page

    Just tell us what didn't work and we'll work from there. Post the code you already have so we can see what needs to be added or changed.
  4. Salvatos

    Script Help Please

    You could also return $Info instead of true or false I guess. Also, please note that it is spelled "Foreign" ;)
  5. Salvatos

    Review : New new style of search

    I don't want to sound harsh but can that even work? I can already imagine hundreds of people having fun changing all the links for dumb stuff. It looks like an unmanaged wiki. Here's the question you should be able to answer: how is your search engine better than Google, knowing the latter...
  6. Salvatos

    Please decide..

    I'm pretty sure I agree with the above. The structure of the first is more friendly while the second just looks better. A combination of both could work out pretty well.
  7. Salvatos

    [off][2000 credits]Selling domains for points

    A friend of mine will buy it when we get enough credits, but it won't happen if you higher the price, so, you decide ;)
  8. Salvatos

    [OFFER] Join my game 4 credits !

    Can you tell us more about the game (since the page won't load for now...) ?
  9. Salvatos

    Please decide..

    I clearly prefer the second, although it is very artificial. Could be customized a little to make it more familiar, depending on your content of course. The first one looks old and the colors don't match too well in my opinion.
  10. Salvatos

    STUDENT - Javascript Problem

    I didn't really look at your code but give a name to your input, whatever it is (nameHere in my example) and put something like this in your JS: document.postForm.nameHere.value= the value you want to display. As I said I didn't really look at your code but it should give you the basic idea...
  11. Salvatos

    STUDENT - Javascript problem

    Well if you read the first post you'll see it says he was was stuck on a JS exercise for school... I don't think his teacher would have appreciated a PHP solution :D
  12. Salvatos

    Cron Jobs

    That's what I thought ^^ Since the cron wasn't sending an error e-mail, I was pretty sure it had to be in your script (as mentioned already). Glad you found it, thanks a lot for the credits!
  13. Salvatos

    New site!

    I don't like the images next to the navigation elements, and I would make them smaller.
  14. Salvatos

    I get no content on any page, don't know if it's normal. For the forum, I would suggest changing the white background, maybe to the same grey as on the website, because it kind of hurts the eye to go from a dark website to a clear white forum. Love the site's logo, though, and beautiful site...
  15. Salvatos

    New to PHP and very confused...

    Okay, I see your point. I just don't understand why Netscape is still around though...
  16. Salvatos

    PHP Source Code

    Well I personally consider myself like the worstest coder ever, who happens to be able to do some stuff, but who doesn't know just how many holes are in my software :D Since I've had no training whatsoever, I would definitely need to have someone else go through my code and make it secure...
  17. Salvatos

    Forum error

    Any more information on the error message? This error message comes from /includes/template.php. As far as I can tell, it returns this error because the file specified does not exist. But it should be telling you which file does not exist, so I suspect the file calling that function does not...
  18. Salvatos

    Review Smart Mac

    I have to agree that pink and green don't go well together. Also, if you're to keep the leaves, you should at least make it more... discreet, because it looks like the background and forum are comepting for attention, while a background should, as the name implies, be a subtle addition to the...
  19. Salvatos

    Review my forum!

    I'm getting a page saying Apache has been installed successfully...
  20. Salvatos

    PHP Source Code

    Well for now I'm settled with phpBB's system, but I'm afraid I'll have to admit I haven't done anything related to md5-ing and cookies yet, which explains why I was grateful to rely on a pre-made system. I wouldn't know where to start if I were to change this, but hopefully phpBB is secure...