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  1. Salvatos

    Please review and check my site

    Your "Spread Firefox" band is making the use of the control panel partly impossible. Your AdSense's border color is way too flashy, you should go something more similar to the background. The background's alternate colors make it a bit harder to read the text at the bottom (not much...
  2. Salvatos

    [30 Cred's Vote] All you need to do is vote. Takes 1 minute

    You screwed up your bugmenot link though ;)
  3. Salvatos

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    How is it gonna work? You buy rights and you scan and upload the books? What will it be about/like?
  4. Salvatos

    Please Review

    That was insanely random. This will sum it up for me: That's what it is... Thanks for the music though ^^
  5. Salvatos

    PHP - MySQL

    I doubt it will do anything but might as well have a look. Shouldn't if($_POST['table']!=NULL || $_POST['table']!="") { be if($_POST['table']!=NULL && $_POST['table']!="") { And this one if($n!="" || $n!=NULL) { does not seem necessary since after it you ask if it equals 1, 2, 3, etc...
  6. Salvatos

    Please review...

    Better. I'll be curious to see what the content looks like though. As of now, people will probably tell you that you need hover effects on your navigation. Apart from that, there's a little something with your header, but I cannot seem to pinpoint it very well. It looks like your header...
  7. Salvatos

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    Hum, could a moderator please remove the links from my post on page one? I can't edit for some reason, the link doesn't appear...
  8. Salvatos

    Review my site

    Your link is broken, it points to the forum. Very nice design, but your text goes out of your main area. Your gray text (Views : 4 for example) should be a little lighter to be easier to read and the top "Welcome to Fun Webs. The most fun place on the web." should be made bigger as it...
  9. Salvatos

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    You should try to use lighter images, they take forever to load...
  10. Salvatos

    PHP problem

    x10 used to have a kind of cash shop where you could buy stuff like domain names and instant-unsuspension. However, as far as I know, it's been under maintenance for quite a few months because of a compatibility issue with the new version of the forums.
  11. Salvatos

    my new changed site...

    You need separations. Background colors, table headers, better structure in general. It looks like a bunch of links and stats thrown on a webpage right now. I think someone already mentioned in another thread that you need to add captions to your login fields at the top so users won't be...
  12. Salvatos

    Please review...

    Everything is too big, way too big. The logo... is it supposed to be halfway out of the main table? It's breaking the website's balance. The navigation should be more centered and separated from the content - but not just out of it. As a sidenote, I can't help but feel like someone is gonna...
  13. Salvatos

    Unique php page

    $_GET['.memid'] Why the period?
  14. Salvatos

    no scroll

    Just add the scroll="no" in your body tag, before your onLoad for example. I'll be curious to see if it works :)
  15. Salvatos

    Hi there. You asked for my website's address in the Whats your Web Design Project? thread but...

    Hi there. You asked for my website's address in the Whats your Web Design Project? thread but since it's been five days with no reply I'm guessing you didn't see it. Here's my message: I haven't blocked registration, but be aware that if you do create a...
  16. Salvatos

    Translating a site ?

    Yea I'd say they're acceptable... for small unofficial websites ;)
  17. Salvatos

    no scroll

    I guess I don't have anymore idea, unless your Tem.css is cancelling the one you have in your page. I hope you'll be able to find out...
  18. Salvatos

    Translating a site ?

    Just keep in mind that these translations are usually just good enough to understand the general idea and purpose of a given paragraph...
  19. Salvatos

    Comments please,

    I agree with the mouseOver effects. Also, the table are messed up for me in IE 7. Then the fact that the Google AdSense is bigger than your own banner and right under it is kind of a turn off. And finally you get an error in Contact Us: Warning: include(include/contact.php)...
  20. Salvatos

    New wordpress template, please review!

    Thanks for the credits! Oh by the way, I just noticed how you used the banner image on the menu headers. I'd suggest changing them to focus more on the sun, because for now it only looks like a color streaked with black, so even though the idea is good, it doesn't show enough. Again, using a...