how can you translate your site with "google translation" ? can someone explain me please ...
V viljuska007 New Member Messages 3 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Oct 12, 2008 #1 how can you translate your site with "google translation" ? can someone explain me please ...
Christopher Retired Messages 14,659 Reaction score 8 Points 0 Oct 12, 2008 #2 Moved to Scripts & 3rd Party Apps
xmakina New Member Messages 264 Reaction score 0 Points 0 Oct 12, 2008 #3 You cannot specifically force it - but here's a trick:<RESULT_LANGUAGE>&sl=<SOURCE_LANGUAGE>&u=<URL> Just replace with country codes (en = english, fr = french and you'll have to test yourself for the other codes) Example: Last edited: Oct 12, 2008
You cannot specifically force it - but here's a trick:<RESULT_LANGUAGE>&sl=<SOURCE_LANGUAGE>&u=<URL> Just replace with country codes (en = english, fr = french and you'll have to test yourself for the other codes) Example:
Anna I am just me Staff member Messages 11,768 Reaction score 590 Points 113 Oct 12, 2008 #4 there's a script (gadget) you can include on your site, that lets your users chose language to translate into
there's a script (gadget) you can include on your site, that lets your users chose language to translate into
Salvatos Member Prime Account Messages 562 Reaction score 1 Points 18 Oct 12, 2008 #5 Just keep in mind that these translations are usually just good enough to understand the general idea and purpose of a given paragraph... Last edited: Oct 12, 2008
Just keep in mind that these translations are usually just good enough to understand the general idea and purpose of a given paragraph...
Anna I am just me Staff member Messages 11,768 Reaction score 590 Points 113 Oct 12, 2008 #6 yes, they are not full translations with correct grammars, but I've so far found them to work rather well for my language when testing (swedish -> english and english -> swedish)
yes, they are not full translations with correct grammars, but I've so far found them to work rather well for my language when testing (swedish -> english and english -> swedish)
Salvatos Member Prime Account Messages 562 Reaction score 1 Points 18 Oct 12, 2008 #7 Yea I'd say they're acceptable... for small unofficial websites