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  1. Salvatos

    Unsuspension request

    Thank you Hellsheep. My site seems to be online but the connection to MySQL fails and I cannot access cPanel from the account panel (which still indicates I am on server "getupdated", I don't know if that's any help). Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. Salvatos

    Unsuspension request

    Visiting my site says it doesn't even exist instead of saying it is suspended, I hope this is not a problem. The account panel says that I was suspended because "user transfered to another server" and that support is closed for my server, "getupdated". Account name: Salvatos I have a backup of...
  3. Salvatos

    Best programming language to choose

    Well, if you're using a database, what I usually do is just store the image's location (filepath) in the table. You can already put the image tag around it if desired. For instance: echo "<img src=\"$sql['result']\" />"; In your case, I would probably add the whole tag in the db so you can do...
  4. Salvatos

    Suspended during server transfer?

    Good evening. I am aware that there are undergoing server moves, but what is happening to my account seems a bit weird even in that regard, so I thought I would ask. My site is no longer available and my cPanel shows that my account is close to non-existant. According to the Account Management...
  5. Salvatos

    Cron issues

    As far as I know, "-q" disables the e-mail sending. I think I also saw a moderator recently saying that you need to put "cron-php" instead of "php". My cron used to work fine and suddenly it stopped, I changed that and I have yet to see if the issue is fixed.
  6. Salvatos

    Hi I'm new to WordPress how do I add my own template ?

    As far as I remember, there was a Templates tab in which you could manage them. You had to upload them to the templates directory previously, if I recall correctly. I haven't used WordPress in a few years because I hated it, but it should look like that. Good luck, hope that helps.
  7. Salvatos

    Site not transferred from paid to free

    Ah, other password, then. Thank you, will see what comes out of it.
  8. Salvatos

    Site not transferred from paid to free

    Hi all. I've been using Static paid for a year but could not afford to renew it right now. So I sent a message stating this and it was not renewed on the 18th. However, my site was not transferred to a free plan and now it is suspended since the 21st ("This Account Has Been Suspended... Please...
  9. Salvatos

    Cron Jobs

    Adding "-q" (php-cron -q /home/excel123/public_html/Game/cron.php) should prevent the e-mail from being sent, if I am not mistaken.
  10. Salvatos

    Paid Server Move

    My users and I have been experiencing MySQL errors (too many connections in...), as well as slow response time from the site for some of them. There has been no change on the website for more than a week and these problems started during the weekend, so I don't expect my code to be the cause...
  11. Salvatos

    [REQ][50 Credits per issue]Beta Testers wanted

    Re: Beta Testers wanted - 50 creds per issue. Oh yea I had forgotten that one, pretty funny :P
  12. Salvatos

    Please help me!

    Well if you haven't seen the result of your code... then yea, pointing your browser to it will show it to you, even if it's not online (for example C://blabla/MyDocs/your_file.php in your URL bar will take you to the page), or you can right click the file > Open with > Internet Explorer (or...
  13. Salvatos

    Image checkbox

    Oh wait this $query = "INSERT INTO `ad_application2` VALUES ('$imagecheckboxes')"; should be something like $query = "INSERT INTO `ad_application2` (column name) VALUES ('$imagecheckboxes')";
  14. Salvatos

    Aviation Photography - How does my site stack up?

    While we're talking language, check this: "While there are many people who infact do log the the type" Otherwise, I don't have anything bad to say about the site, except that it's uselessly a little bit wider than 1024, putting a scroll bar at the bottom. I guess that's what the others meant...
  15. Salvatos

    Image checkbox

    Well there's nothing obvious in it that tells me it shouldn't work (I'm not a pro either). What is the problem? i.e. what error message do you get? Have you tested if your variables are what they should be by echoing them?
  16. Salvatos

    User Page

    *lols* I have to agree you probably won't be able to set admin rights or any user information at all without a database. And whatever you put on your website will always take disk space as you actually need somewhere to write your code if you want the site to do... anything.
  17. Salvatos

    How did you learn PHP

    Like xmakina, I'm more of a person who has to try it out. I started to be interested in PHP when a friend made a tutorial about it for a school project. I read it all and reread the most interesting bits to understand them better. As I had already made 1-3 websites in pure HTML, I ended up...
  18. Salvatos

    Please review my "green" experiment site

    I hate the pale green sidebar on the right when your broswe pages. The dark grey bar on top of the navigation element when we place the mouse over the link we're currently on seems a bit out of place, I'd remove it. Other than that I love the desgin though (needs to be centered of course ^^ ).
  19. Salvatos

    Love Literature

    Way too much white! You should consider finding a discreet background color or transparent image. Maybe a little something more for the header as well. It could be a nice touch to change the folder images (marking read/new posts in forums) for book images. For example, closed book = all...
  20. Salvatos

    [REQ][800 credits] Name for File Host!

    I'm gonna play a bit with Tittat's idea and propose: or or or I don't know which of these sounds the most like "file" to you native speakers but they're all available according to Of course you could do the same with, for...