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  1. Salvatos

    Please. I need someone to rete this " Under costruction" Page.

    Well he doesn't have to support English if he doesn't want to...
  2. Salvatos

    [Site For Review] Tittat here

    You mispelled "Feautured Game". The rest, in my opinion, has been said already.
  3. Salvatos

    [REQ][50 Credits per issue]Beta Testers wanted

    Re: Beta Testers wanted - 50 creds per issue. Just to make sure we got each other right, this was for a record I had created myself yesterday when testing, not from an earlier record. By the way, I've made my choice ;)
  4. Salvatos

    Please. I need someone to rete this " Under costruction" Page.

    Yea the first time I opened the browser it loaded pretty much instantly, then I closed it and went back to check something and it took longer. Using a single image seems better to me as well.
  5. Salvatos

    Please. I need someone to rete this " Under costruction" Page.

    It looks nice, but maybe it doesn't load fast enough. "Para información de click aquí" should be "Para información de contacto click aquí" I guess.
  6. Salvatos

    [REQ][50 Credits per issue]Beta Testers wanted

    Re: Beta Testers wanted - 50 creds per issue. Here's what I once used on one of my sites: $var = str_replace("'", "’", "$_POST[var]"); This way the apostrophe doesn't cause any problem to any part of your code anymore. I've also just seen this in another thread, which is probably...
  7. Salvatos

    PHP Error File Access Error, Help Please.

    Here's an (almost) copy and paste from mine: php -q /home/salvatos/etc/file.php Just replace salvatos with your own user and /etc with whatever your filepath is. As an advice, make sure your file can't be accessed by typing in the URL, 'cause then anyone could do the equivalent of your cron...
  8. Salvatos

    PHP MYSQL WHERE statement help

    Try this: $select = "SELECT * FROM serverstatus WHERE ip = '$serverip' AND command = '$key'"; The single quotes around table names are not necessary and I added a missing space after the "AND".
  9. Salvatos

    New PHP/JS Hybrid Game

    Nothing much to say. The graphics are crap indeed XD I'd say you just have to keep working, as there's not much to comment on currently. Should the deer be able to attack me after I have dealt it enough damage to kill it? That's maybe something you should think about. Just keep it up!
  10. Salvatos

    PHP Screwing Up

    You should definitely show us what's inside thefile.php. As many have said before (in this thread or the other one), I'm pretty sure the error comes from inside of it, not the including itself.
  11. Salvatos

    What do you think of my website and the idea behing it

    I don't really like social networks but your approach looks nice. I gotta say by the way that the color chooser thing looks awesome, although I havent really tried it ^^ How will you make selling the users' products (images, tutorials and all you've listed and not listed) an easy thing? Will...
  12. Salvatos

    Constructive Feedback Please

    Windows XP IE 7, 1024x768. The content is left aligned instead of centered. The "How does our website work?" DIV (I assume it's a DIV) is annoying. You have to scroll down the page to be able to scroll the DIV to the right and read the end of line... for each line. I think you'd be better...
  13. Salvatos

    [REQ][50 Credits per issue]Beta Testers wanted

    Re: Beta Testers wanted - 50 creds per issue. I'll try to do both, by again it will take a few days to get started. I'm late both on working hours and personal issues so I'm trying to squeeze all kinds of stuff together in my schedule ^^
  14. Salvatos

    [REQ][600 credits]Need a new name for my site

    That's an awesome idea considering the circumstances :cool: Of course you could reuse it and make stuff like Great Forum, Gorgeous Forum, etc. ^^
  15. Salvatos

    PHP - MySQL

    Instead of if($_POST['1']=="" || $_POST['1']==NULL) { QUERY HERE } elseif(...) { ... } you could use something like this (highly simplified): $bla = 1; while ($bla <= $max_bla) { if($_POST[$bla]=="" || $_POST[$bla]==NULL) { $bla1 = "something"; $bla++; } } // Then...
  16. Salvatos

    Looking for a few scripts.

    It's hard to know exactly what you are looking for but SourceForge has many of those. RPGs: MUDs: I'm currently "Unable to connect to Search Server" though... The...
  17. Salvatos

    [REQ][50 Credits per issue]Beta Testers wanted

    Re: Beta Testers wanted - 50 creds per issue. If you're game I'll work on the grammar, typos and such. Just give me as many credits as you see fit once you get the suggested modifications, since it's hard to judge how many mistakes make "one bug" ;) Won't be able to start until a few days though.
  18. Salvatos

    IE7 doesnt load my <img> animation properly

    I have two ideas. First: You could add a JavaScript onclick="window.location.href=..." element on your image that would take the user to the desired page (since you said the image works fine without the link). Second: Instead of putting your image inside your anchor, you could make it a...
  19. Salvatos

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    Sounds good. I didn't know about Lua, from what I saw on Wiki and comparing to what I've seen at my job, it looks like ASP to me. But I liked the part where they say that Lua functions can return multiple variables (how I hate PHP for that :P ). I don't think I've ever seen any Lua webpage...
  20. Salvatos

    [REQ][100 Credits]Need A New Slogan

    Since it reminds me of longcat pictures, I would say something like "s4's Wall is Loooooooong" :P But I doubt you were looking for a comical slogan so... Do you have a site name that could help us? Or is it just s4?