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  1. Zdroyd

    Zdroyd's Creations Links and Reviews...

    Anyone who would like to exchange links with me can, so please do so! My site is: I will take any site (Exept sites that are morally wrong) so please post a link here! I also review each link I put on my link page, so I will PM you when I have uploaded your...
  2. Zdroyd

    Saving Claire

    This game is based on the famous "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" Quote from Heroes. Simply make up a Save the Cheerleader Quote. Example: "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World from Global Warming." "Save G.W. Bush, End the World." "Save the Game, Save your progress." I hope...
  3. Zdroyd

    Why does my DVD drive burn so slow?

    I am burning a DVD and my drive says that it can burn up to 16x but it is only buring at a very low speed of 0.78x, why so slow? My PC Stats: (That I know of) > I have an HP Media Center PC > 200gb Hard Drive > A low 512mb RAM > 16x DVD (+,-) Lightscribe Drive > Windows XP It says that it...
  4. Zdroyd

    Star Wars Renegade Squadron (PSP)

    ^ Is it worth getting? I am an hard-core Star Wars fan, and I loved the first 2 installments, but... Is it as good as the other two Battlefront games? And do the new features make it funner?
  5. Zdroyd

    Zdroyd's "A Sign Of Weakness" Theory

    Zdroyd's "A Sign Of Weakness" Theory: I have noticed this lately: When a company/person/group feels like they are falling behind the compatition they insult their enemies. Examples: > Hillary Clinton insults Obama. (She is losing in the race.) > Macs insult PCs. (More PCs are sold.) >...
  6. Zdroyd

    Flash Web Page Strech to Screen Size? How does the site above ^ do it? I know how to do it with HTML tables, but how do you do it with Flash? PS: I would ask the creator of the site, but I forgot his name on the x10 Forums... LOL
  7. Zdroyd

    Suggestion to Admins (About Forum Games and Mass Posts)

    Suggestion to Admins (About Forum Games and Mass Posts) Seeing that many people are following my introduction of forum games to the x10Forums I suggest that you make a sub-forum in the Off Topic for Mass Post Threads and Forum Games. Please consider this because I believe that it will help...
  8. Zdroyd

    Best and Cheapest MP3/MP4 Player?

    Well my birthday is 11 days away and my parents are thinking about getting me a new MP3 player. (Knowing that my old one sucks.) I was wondering what is the best and cheapest Video MP3 player? Also should I just get an Video Ipod like everyone else? But if I do get an Ipod do I have to get...
  9. Zdroyd

    Zdroyds 1 - 300 (100% Payout!)

    I am starting a contest that will end on/around my birth day. (April 12) You pick a # between 1 and 300. 40 credits per #. You can buy as many #s as you want. Please type the #(s) you picked and how much you are paying in the Donation comment. This contest will have a 100% payout! I...
  10. Zdroyd

    Forum Game <Future>

    This game is like Forum Game <Wish> but you have to say what will be in the future. To make the post longer you have to have 2 or more sentences. Example: Zdroyd: In the future everything will be nuclear powered. This will lower energy consumption and extend the life of our planet. Wagi...
  11. Zdroyd

    cpanels HTML Editor Not Working

    ^ It says page can not be desplayed... This is why some of my pages do not have the Ad on them. (Dont suspend me again!)
  12. Zdroyd

    Dreamwaver, Flash, Fireworks, etc.

    How did all yall (Who have them) get Dreamwever, Flash, etc. Because its $900+ for Adobes CS3. I would really like to get CS3 but at that price I never will. How did you get CS3? And how can I get it for a reasonable price?
  13. Zdroyd

    Red or Blue? Good or Evil?

    What side do you take when you play multiplayer games, and why? > Red or Blue > Good or Evil (In the case of games like CS and Starwars Battlefront, etc.) I will respond after others respond.
  14. Zdroyd

    Delete all unneeded files on cpanel...

    I have alot of junk on my acount (I am recreating my site) and I want to know how I can delete everything but the things that are needed. Could I just delete everything under /www? Would it reinstal needed files? Or would it ruen it?
  15. Zdroyd

    Help with bottons... plz

    Please visit my site (Test site only, still under work) The bottons on the menu bar should have an image on them, I can see the image on my Laptop (The PC that I made the sites on) but for some reason I can not see it now... Please Help Edit: For some reason I...
  16. Zdroyd

    cpanel Q Answer ASAP

    Is there any way to upload folders to cpanel insted of individual files? Mainly because my site has a lot of files and I do not want to upload one at a time.
  17. Zdroyd

    War or No War: Should we back out?

    The War Against Terror / The War in Iraq Should we stay in the War againt Terror? Is it a waist of Time and money? Will Third World Countries ever stop fighting? Is this war nothing but the effect of world war 2? Will it ever end? I will post my opinion after others post.
  18. Zdroyd

    Not to sound like a newb...

    Not to sound like a newb, but what exactly is PHP and MySql?
  19. Zdroyd

    Ads in Inline Fields?

    If I have pages that are desplayed in an Inline Field (Text Box that desplays another webpage) do I have to have Ads on those pages too? Or as long as I have an Ad on the page with the Inline Field is that ok?
  20. Zdroyd

    Forum Game <Story>

    Ok this one is simple: Each person that post must add at least 3 words to the story. But you can not write a full sentence, you can end a sentence but you can not write a full one. Example: Zdroyd: "Along time ago-" Wagi: Along time ago "in a world far far way.-" Zdroyd: Along time ago in...