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  1. Zdroyd

    Cant get to my site... If its the server again I just want to say that I hope this will not happen regularly, or I might have to find another Host...
  2. Zdroyd

    Forum Game <Wish>

    This is a fun forum game my clan plays... > First someone makes a wish; Example: I wish for world peace. > Then another person grants that wish but makes it go wrong: Example: The world is in peaces. > Then that same person post a wish... and it goes on and on... Here is another example...
  3. Zdroyd

    Hello All...

    My Intro: Hmmm... I personaly do not know what to put here... So I'll just say: Hello All! Hmmm... Yea... Ummm... Well I do have one question: "With the sites that are ad-inhanced, what is the requirement for putting ads on the site? (In other words what code do I have to...